Character Bio

Jun 07, 2006 14:35

This is the character journal for Avis Abernathy, a 5th year Gryffindor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, at 
hih_thegame , played by

Under the cut you can find her character bio.

Character Information
Name / LJ Username (if available): Avis Abernathy
House: Gryffindor
Age / Birthdate: 15 years old, born July 14.
Year: 5th year

Bloodline / Heritage: Halfblood ; Scottish Muggle Father, Middle-Eastern Pureblood Mother ; Scottish.

Personal History: Avis Abernathy was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, to Alexander and Durrdana Abernathy. Her father is a muggle x-ray technician, middle class and normal as can be. Her mother, however, was born to a pureblooded wizarding family, a Hogwarts legacy. (In fact, she was the only Gryffindor in the entirely Slytherin Amin family. Being Voldemort supporters, her family disowned her and Durrdana vowed to live the rest of her life as a Muggle.)
Thus, their first child Avis was raised in an urban middle-class environment as any Muggle child would. She received good marks in school, participated in plays, got in trouble getting in fights on the playground, but could not do what she always wanted to -- sports. Her asthma prevented her from doing this. Avis was any normal muggle child.
However, when she was seven years old, odd things started to happen. Avis' usually bushy and curly hair would go straight overnight. Whenever she had an asthma flare-up or had allergies, air would blow around her. Even when she was indoors, windows would blow open. Only Mrs. Abernathy knew what this may mean, and knew eventually she would have to reveal the truth about her past to the family.
Such news is hard to understand for a muggle, but Mrs. Abernathy made it all clear; her pureblood estranged family, Hogwarts, and the wizarding power her daughter clearly inherited. (She also wondered if Avis had been born with the metamorphmagus ability, a power her Death Eater father's line had carried for ages.)
Thus began a "crash-course" for Avis in the ways of the wizarding world, attempting to teach her all she had to know before she got her Hogwarts letter after her tenth birthday. The ways of magic were still new to her, and Avis has felt alienated and ungifted by her Hogwarts classmates ever since she was sorted into Gryffindor in her first year. She misses the muggle world immensely, and feels very distant from her fairly new magic world.

Personality: Avis is street-wise and a bit elitist. She finds herself smarter and more cultured or generally more well-rounded than her counterparts. She's extremely critical of people, and does not make friends just for connections or just to make small-talk. She's intensely loyal to those worth it to her. However, the ties of Gryffindor seem to override these rules.

She's not exactly motivated about her schooling, and finds it hard to concentrate in school. She mostly daydreams and doodles during class. However, when she believes in something strongly enough, she can do the best job ever. She's not afraid to stand out, speak her mind, be bold or even stupid, if it's for something she cares deeply about, such as wearing a bedsheet and wearing face-paint for a Quidditch match. Hypocritically enough, at times she hates being judged by people who do not know her. She's sarcastic frequently, and can be very pessimistic. She loves a sense of doing something silly, but feels guilty when she does something against the rules. However, she feels defiant of authority figures she has no interest in.
Avis is enamored of boys, a bit shallow at times. Well, VERY shallow. But she never seems to act well around the especially cute ones. She can start out as good pals but then get very iffy and scared around them. It's hard for her to overcome this. She fears boys don't care for her very much because she scares them away by talking too loud or being too pushy or bold. She's not exactly boy crazy, and doesn't usually straight-away run after them, but secretly she admires them.
She thrives on the attention of those older than her, but younger children always form attatchments to them, mostly because she humors them.

Physical Description: she's about 5 foot 6 inches tall, with shiny brown hair that alternates between curly and unmanageable to sleek and wavy. She's freckly on her face (from her scottish father) with large brown eyes (from her middle eastern mother). She's not exactly chubby, but likes to call it "womanly build."
She loves to wear colorful and vintage-ish clothing when she's not in school uniform, lots of skirts and khaki and blazers. She hates the t-shirt and jeans feel. She wears her school scarf whenever she can.

Preferred Body Model: Alia Shawkat

Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length.
Avis sat with her arms up on the desk, holding her head up as if she thought it would drop from her neck. Her eyes scanned the ingredients needed for the potion of the day, the letters blurring and blending and mixing all up. It gave her a headache to even think about this. "Well, I highly doubt I will need to even bother with this in the future!" she complained to herself. She blinked and rubbed her eyes drowsily, hoping her teacher didn't notice. Potions was a waste of time, she thought, that she could have otherwise spent daydreaming about that tall seventh year Hufflepuff. . .or her Herbology teacher.
"Miss Abernathy, would you stop yawning and pay attention?" the Potions professor snarled at her.
She rolled her eyes and stared up at him defiantly. "Yeah, TRY ME, bloody jerk," she thought to herself.

Hobbies and talents - max of five: Loves to read and write, loves literature (even if it is Muggle); metamorphmagus (only her hair, though); loves rock music (one favorite is The Police and British loud rock bands); has a knack for speaking her mind and not caring what others think (great debater) ; loves Muggle art, though she has no talent for painting (call her an afficionado. . .or afficionada. . .)

Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses: dreadfully clumsy, horrible balance; intimidating and downright mean at times; can be solitary and elitist at times; stubborn as heck; hard time focusing on her core classes that she hates; HOT temper; can be very passive-aggressive.

Best subjects - max of three: History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts;

Worst subjects - no max: Potions, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures (allergies!)

Broom (if applicable): Cleansweep 5 (bought it used for a bargain, wishes she could fly but her balance is dreadful)

Wand: 10 inches, Holly wood with sphinx tail hair at the core.

List of classes for current year:
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Care of Magical Creatures

Alignment: VERY anti-Voldemort. (Also, very anti-Slytherin, since she sees how they mistreated her mother.

Mod-Approved: Metamorphmagus (Only hair, though)

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