day 3 already...

Apr 20, 2005 22:24

Still not smoking....good. Not too bad, but starting to get that edgy itchy lung feeling...if that makes any kind of sense....

I did not get the free time to run today and I am feeling kind of put-out and crabby about it...

Monday,Weds.,Friday, and Saturday are supposed to be my days on the track, but instead I spent the entire day doing a favor for an Aunt-in-law I can't fuckin' stand most of the time....She's one of those super-bossy, controlling, born-again but doesn't-live-it fake freaks....she drives me nuts....this place would be nirvana on earth if only she didn't live here....but I digress...she, her hubby(my uncle), her future serial killer (my cousin), and her mom & dad left the country for a month for a cruise around the pacific rim...this is the good news....(me: c'mon freak wave, volcano, tsunami...whatever..pick one...please, please, please)....well, anyway...she raises pigs & other critters and said pigs went to slaughter last week, and there was a delay on the pick up date....therefore I was told I would be earning my delivery fee carting dead pigs all over bum-fuck-egypt Ohio to all of her friends....yay for me....only, when I looked at all of our invoices the fees seemed pretty where's my delivery fee???..I didn't earn shit...other than a headache....and her directions sucked ass...Stevie Wonder could have got me there faster....and they didn't leave me a full tank of gas in their 17 mile/gallon diesel guzzle-truck that I had to use either...rude, rude, rude....grrrr....but hey, at least I don't have to talk to the woman for another month...ok rant over....


their freak kid told me the other day before they left that he couldn't wait to goto he could get a he could "skewer some innocent animals"...this is after telling me that he sets mice and rats that the cat hasn't killed enough on FIRE....if my aunt and uncle live through this kids 16th birthday when his testosterone levels go through the roof I will be amazed....he is wound wayyyy too tight....this is not a shock though considering who his parents are...both of them are retired uncle is cool & laid back for the most part...but the wife is whacked..she home-schools because no one is smart enough to talk to her son(OMG can I kiss his ring Deb?..bitch)....he is 13 and has already been made to take his SATs & apply to college....she'll teach him to walk on water next year....and the kids an asshole to top it off...I personally think she's afraid to send him to school 'cuz he'd get the shit knocked out of him every time he opened his mouth...I'd stand in line with everyone else...okay...rant really over...for today..

on a really good note I made a new lj friend...based on her journal she sounds like someone I would get along well was a new experience for me to be friended by someone I haven't met...tres tres cool!

I can't wait until next weekend!! Greg(best theater friend) & John are coming down from crAkron to go with me to see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...also hubby's birthday on saturday...celebrating by grilling some fresh-off-the-cow ribeyes and hitting a Tesla concert....Woot Woot!!

wow....that was a long day 3 post..LOL...I needed that...

off to bed...nite.
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