I love manips So, I'v been terrified of my room for the past few days. On Friday I was attacked by spiders at like 2 in the morning. I was sitting here with all the lights off, as usual. Then I see this little spider dangling right in front of my face. I freak out a bit, but I was able to kill it myself. I'm so brave.
Then there was another, and another, and another......yadda yadda yadda. Finally I was like wtf is going on, so I turned on the light and look up. There are fucking spiders all over the damned ceiling. I counted to fifteen before I freaked and ran downstairs. It was the scariest thing ever.
I think that there was a spider up here that must have had a bunch of babies. There were a lot of them, but they were pretty small. Still scary as shit though.
When I finally came back upstairs the next afternoon (because I'm a wuss and refused to come back up here alone) I noticed there was a web on my speakers and on my lamp. I got rid of them and I haven't seen the spiders since. Except the one that's over in the corner by the window. But I'm to scared to go near it. Hopefully I won't get attacked again.