Gardening Update

May 15, 2006 17:01

I planted my first crop of radishes, beets, leeks, and onions. So far the radishes have come up, and maybe a leek or two, but that's it and they're small seedlings at best. I must get better at this allium growing. Lettuce seems to be coming up, though I can't be sure since I've never grown lettuce.

All of my corn has come up, yay corn! My Green Hubbard squash has several open blooms on it now and I think that there are three squshlets on the Buttercup. My biggest squash plant is a Red Kuri and it seems to be running for the hills with some intent to hide it's delicious squashes there. The vine is getting longer and longer and the buds are still waiting to open. I hope that it doesn't decide to sprawl in the way of the lawn mower.

Meanwhile my seedlings aren't doing so good. The huge tray of seedlings has been worse for wear going in and out of the house during the fire. All but one of my cardoons are hosed, leeks are a probably not, and the broccoli just looks pathetic. Lucky for me the pear tomatoes are doing ok because the seeds are really expensive comparatively.

I've never seen such vigorless squash seeds. I planted two each of three varieties of weird new squash and only two seeds came up. Usually the squashlings are lifting the roof of their nursery by day 5. I still have hope for the eggplants.

The herb garden has been taken over by a Rose Geranium plant, apparently. I didn't believe that it was a geranium because, frankly, it looks too good. But no, it is useful for little but its scent, which is vaguely rose-like. So our idea is to pull it out and make room for things like dill, thyme, oregano, etc, but I am woeful because the flowers are so nice and I've killed so much green lately.

The apple tree has blossoms! Yay, it might survive and produce fruit this year!


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