Title: Time
Artist: Shawna S. (ie. ME)
Fandom: Harry Potter-Death Eaters
PairingCharacter: Lucius Malfoy
Rating: G
Theme #: 2
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns! Not me!
Not entirly happy with this...oh well....
Title: Flower
Artist: Shawna S. (ie. ME)
Fandom: Harry Potter-Death Eaters
PairingCharacter: Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: G
Theme #: 4
Disclaimer: JK Rowling ownz
This is way too happy for a bad character o_O but since narcissa is a type of flower, it made sence :P
Both are rather rushed..but I felt like getting off my butt and doing some of these!(I strongly dislike the Lucius one, sorry! XD)