elrond's mice experiment: day #4

Aug 26, 2002 00:33

um, ohh dearr. i drinnkie mayebe alittle. tehrre's been aslighht acciednt. maybe accidentlyy on purrpose fed micce lembas. micie lick lemabs. mice like lembass a lott. tehy eat los of lemmbas. micies bouncey off teh walls of tehir cagess...and off eahc otherr.
mice eat gainnt papeercpil scultpure.
mice eat eacch otherr, or just pretennding too. i donn;t know..can;t see sttraight. mice blur, move quickkly tehy do...ooh, feely ill. uhmm, whatt do i do? cann;t telll elromd, he;l nevvr trust me to llook aftr science experimment againn.

um, mice are nice, tehy are good all si welll, yes it is.

*passes out*
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