Jan 29, 2006 02:11
NEXT FRIDAY all of those who read this lj (and, i suppose, friends of those of you who read this lj) are cordially invited to a movie night. the general idea at this stage is to meet at the broadway @ circa, 6:30-7 pm ish and see a movie. as i dobt there will be compleate consensu, there is the lovely option of breaking up into smaller groups and seeing a couple of differnt movies between us all.
there mauynbe emails about this to come around with further details. if you want more info (cause i'm not promising these emails), then leave a comment and...well, i'll leave you one back.
if possible, i'd like to have a general idea of who is and isnt comming by say, next wed or thurs, simply so i know who to look out for - dont wanna leave anyone behind!
cant wait to see people again!!