So I've decided that my project for the hiatus is going to be to do drabble-caps. Recaps in 100 words (I'm sure someone else has done this before under a different name, but since I don't know about it I'm pretending it's all my idea) My fanfic muse is on hiatus with the show, but I want to write something and this feels like something I can do.
My achievable goal is to be caught up with season 6 by the time hiatus is over; my ambitious goal is to eventually do drabble-caps for each episode. I'm not normally going to cut these--they are only 100 words after all (not including titles and episode numbers)
House MD 6x01 Broken Part 1
House is going through detox, that’s not fun, but when it’s over he’s ready to check out. Dr. Nolan, House’s shrink, doesn’t think just detoxing is the key to ending House’s hallucinating self-destructive ways and holds House’s medical license hostage in exchange for therapy. House attempts to play Nolan and the rest of the Mayfield staff like his piano and is ably enabled in this by his manic roommate Alvie and a catatonic cellist’s sister-in-law. With that kind of support House cures the depression of a crazy with super hero delusions by convincing him he can fly. That’s a mistake.