Name: Lisa
Single or Taken: Taken
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/27/1989
Sign: aries
Siblings: 1 Sister and 2 brothers
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5'7
• × • R E L A T I O N S H I P S • × •
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes
How many exes do you have?: 1.5 (lol really)
What is your longest relationship? 7 months going on 8
What was your shortest relationship? A week
• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: Macys, or Kohls
Any tattoos or piercings: yea ears
Favorite brand? Don't care
What do u wear most the time?: Jeans, tshirts, high heels
× • F A V O R I T E S • × •
Colors: Green & pink
Foods: pizza & nachos
Girls name: dunno
Boys names: dunno
Subjects in school: band
• × • A R E | Y O U • × •
Understanding: yea
Open mindeded: yea
Insecure: sometimes
Random: yea
Moody: very- but seriously i am bipolar
Organized: sometimes
Shy: sometimes
Difficult: no
Obsessed: yes
Angry: not reallllly
Sad: yes
Happy: sometimes
Hyper: sometimes
• × • W H O • × •
Makes you smile: bill summers
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him or her? bill ^_^
• × • N U M B E R • × •
Of scars on my body: 1
of great loves: 2 (bill & music)
• × • Y O U R | T H O U G H T S • × •
I am: mad and bored
I want: my hw to do itself
I have: a headache
I wish: i could sleep through this whole week
I hear: the my mom in the kitchen
I hate: liars & backstabbers & being sick
I fear: a lot of things
I wonder: when bill is coming over
Have you ever ...
been in love: Yes
been dumped: Yes
shoplifted: yes- on accident when i was little
snuck out of parent's house: yes
had feelings for someone who didn't have them back: yes
been arrested: No
made out with a stranger: no
gone on a blind date: no
lied to a friend: Yeah
had a crush on a teacher: yes
skipped school: yes
had/have a crush on one of your LIVEJOURNAL friends: no
been to Canada: yes
been on a plane: yes
thrown up in a bar: No
eaten Sushi: no
been snowboarding: No
met someone BECAUSE of LIVEJOURNAL: yes
taken painkillers: Yes
love someone right now: YES
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: Yes
made a snow angel: Yes
had a tea party: yea
flown a kite: Yes
built a sand castle: Yes
gone puddle jumping: yea
played dress up: Yes
jumped into a pile of leaves: yea
gone sledding: yea
cheated while playing a game: yes
been lonely: yea like now
fallen asleep at work/school: yeah
used a fake ID: No
watched the sun set: no
felt an earthquake: No
touched a snake: yes
been tickled: Yes
been robbed: sorta
robbed someone: no
been misunderstood: all the time
pet a reindeer/goat: yea
won a contest: Yes
been in a car accident: yes
had braces: yes
eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night: no i'm lactose intolerant
had deja vu: yea
danced in the moonlight: yea ^_^
hated the way you look: right now
witnessed a crime: not a serious one
pole danced: as a joke
questioned your heart: Yes
been obsessed with post-it notes: yes
squished barefoot through the mud: Yes
been lost: Yes
been to the opposite side of the country: yes
swam in the ocean: Yes
cried yourself to sleep: Yea aLOT
played cops and robbers: no
recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers: yes
sung karaoke: yes
paid for a meal with only coins: yes
done something you told yourself you wouldn't: Yes
made prank phone calls: Yes
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose: no
caught a snowflake on your tongue: Yes
kissed in the rain: Yes ^_^ and it WAS romantic
written a letter to Santa Claus: Yea
been kissed under a mistletoe: no
watched the sun set with someone you care about: no
blown bubbles: Yea
made a bonfire on the beach: not on the beach
crashed a party: No
have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people: yep
gone rollerskating/blading: Yea
had a wish come true: Yes
worn pearls: yes
jumped off a bridge: dont think so
told a complete stranger you loved them: yes
sang in the shower: Yea
have a little black dress: yes
had a dream that you married someone: yes
glued your hand to something: yes
worn the opposite sex's clothes: yes
sat on a roof top: yes
screamed at the top of your lungs: yes
done a one-handed cartwheel: no
talked on the phone for more than 6 hours: yes
stayed up all night: Ya
didnt take a shower for a week: yes
climbed a tree:Ya
had a tree house: ya
are scared to watch scary movies alone: no
believe in ghosts: no
have more then 30 pairs of shoes: no
worn a really ugly outfit to school: hope not
gone streaking: no
played ding-dong-ditch: ?? *feels dumb*
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: yea
been told you're hot by a complete stranger: yes
broken a bone: yep
been easily amused: yep
caught a butterfly: Yes
laughed so hard you cried: Yes
mooned/flashed someone: yea
had someone moon/flash you: Yes
cheated on a test: ya
forgotten someone's name: yes
slept naked: yes
French braided someones hair: nope
gone skinny dipping in a pool: ya
been kicked out of your house: no
♥ Lisa