Mar 07, 2011 15:24
If you've been in Vegas for any length of time you may have noticed the lack of independent coffeehouses. (If you don't drink coffee, what do you do?) Every now and then a new one pops up, and if it's nearby--call it a gift cause there are precious few. They never seem to last, and aren't they supposed to? Yes! I'll answer that question. They're supposed to last forever! I wanted to take my grandchildren and set them on my lap in the very same chair I struggled through Nietzsche Beyond Good and Evil--because my smokin' hot boyfriend (aka-"Grandpa") used to quote him a lot! Dreams are dashed in this town.
Needless to say, that's not the way it's turned out. I could lament, but why reopen the wound? Anyway, this weekend I stopped by Mocha Joe's to meet a friend. Did it ever turn me into an oracle of artistic potential! I was downright giddy--and also lucky because, as the owner informed me, it was the first Saturday in several weeks they'd decided to open on a Saturday. Gloria arrived shortly thereafter and we stayed for two hours looking out onto Water St. in downtown Henderson. Apparently, it opened in 2009. I'd seen the sign, and even a few friends list themselves as checked-in. I should have paid more attention. Well, I look forward to going back. The hours are a little tricky. They open at 7 am and close at 5 pm, but maybe over spring break I can make a couple trips or perhaps again on a Saturday. Also, it would make a great venue. More on this later, perhaps.