This music helps. Since our external hard drive died in November I hadn't made a new playlist of favorite songs for singing to Jesus. A few days ago I finally got to it, and it's helping my fitful mind tonight. "To you I sing, I dance, rejoice in this divine romance" ... turn to "Mighty, awesome, wonderful is the holy cross..." -speaking truth to me.
I had a disturbing dream this afternoon, and it's still bothering me. But I have perspective. Thank God, He understands. There's a lot undone in this house too; it's kinda getting to me. Instead of washing all the dishes or finishing the laundry, I played with Sophie after dinner until bedtime, which included the pretending game "messy puppy" a.k.a. Sophie and "kitty" a.k.a. me, (who likes to clean up and acts shocked when puppy jumps in the pile of clean laundry or throws her dirty laundry into piles of lights and darks, hehe).
Chelsea Robbins Photography Aside from the moody thoughts, I feel deeply grateful tonight for the unusual opportunities I've had over the past year to meet a few extraordinarily brilliant minds in the service of defending the Christian faith:
William Lane Craig last April at Biola,
Alvin Plantinga at UNLV in November, and
Daniel Wallace , who held a seminar this weekend at Louie's school. Two philosophers, a textual critic, and last but not least--the only contemporary singer/song writer I regard as a poet:
Phil Wickham, on our slightly haphazard road trip without Sophie in October. In all four cases I've noticed there is the public testimony of their work and the quiet testimony of their unassuming demeanor. How cool is that? It's been a real encouragement to hear them (and even meet them). I don't mean to sound star-struck (I got to shake William Lane Craig's hand when he signed my copy of Reasonable Faith!), (I should say, I'd never even heard of Daniel Wallace until Louie told me about him coming. After his talk at the service today, Michelle and Brad let us accompany them to Jason's Deli, before they dropped him off at the airport.) It's been a pleasure taking notes and going home with so much to think about. I love that best of all.
By the way, vanilla ice cream is a wonderful thing.
I'm three weeks from my due date and would like to have this baby already. I'd also like to keep life as it is a little longer for fear of the unknown, I suppose. Still, it's ridiculous how often I have to pee! And so the physical discomfort is really what is making me anxious to give birth. I feel large. Yesterday a high school girl said to me, "Wow, you're REALLY pregnant!" Yeah, thanks kid. There are plenty of "ready to pop" and watermelon comments going around, and I'm feeling less and less resilient. The checker at Trader Joe's told me "You just show me the guy that did that to you, and I'll beat him up for you!" Give it a rest people, it's not that funny. The sympathetic comments of moms have been good for me. Most people are very nice, actually.
Okay, goodnight.
EDIT: "An ounce of proof is worth a pound of presumption."
Daniel Wallace's organization: