FLLS works to raise money in researching and fighting leukemia and lymphoma. Their goal this year is to raise $7000 through their charity auction and fanfic drive.
If you would like to read a new "Harry Potter" fanfic by me (unrelated to my "Perils" universe), donate at least $10 to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, forward your receipt to Fandom4LLS@gmail.com, and you will receive a compilation of stories and one-shots from your favorite fic authors. These written pieces will not be published anywhere else for a minimum of 3 months. But if you donate you will have a chance to read them before anyone else! Author submissions are due August 15th. All monetary donations are due August 30th. The compilations will be emailed in early September.
Full information and other ways to help can be found at
their website.