My Family Sitcom: action, adventure, humor, horror.

Jun 04, 2008 20:14


so i'm not in the HAPPIEST of moods at the moment, i am sooooo not having a good day.

I was fired today, it is starting to sound very familiar... especially when it is coming out of the mouth of the exact same person who told you last time. Kate called all the centrelink temps (6 of us) into the office and and told us that because canberra employe us too early we would need to leave. So what happened was, we were hired about 3 weeks ago to deal with call demand in FAO (family assistance office) as lots of people would be calliung up to put in their income estimates for the next financial year, only problem seems to be that they hired us too early, call demand shouldn't start until late June early July. So as we were getting hardly any calls (hardly our fault) they were going to cut down our hours/days, but nooooo instead they get rid of us all together. not even just us 6, it was a national culling! got rid of almost 200 temps in one swoop.

I need to tell you the truth though, i wasn't THAT upset about it. i mean, Yes i lost my job and, Yas i'm now unemployed AGAIN!!! but i really didn't like it there anyway. The people were fantastic and the work environment! OMG Fantastic! but the work itself just wasn't for me, i need to move, i need to rush, i need to multitask. i cant be happy in a static job where i have learnt and am only going to learn how to do ONE thing. its just not in my nature.

So the one thing that bothered me the most about my lack of job was that i'd have to tell dad. NOT my favourite prospect, we have never had a good conversation that involves me and work. if i'm unemployed he argues with me that i'm a lazy ass bitch who needs to get herself a job, he's not going to support someone who just lazes around on her ass all day watching television. (never have i just sat on my ass watching t.v, i would get bored in minutes if i wasn't sitting with someone, also the last time i was unemployed i made and sold jewellery so i wasn't even unemployed, i was SELF employed, AND i haven't borrowed money off him since i was 16!!!)
Wen i am employed it doesn't stop, he'll fire questions at me about my work, tell me i should ask for more pay ALL THE TIME!!! i'll say i did something new and its like "did you get paid extra for it?" err... no. and for some reason he seemed to find it personal that we had to bring in our own tea and coffee to telstra... i mean like seriously build a bridge!

So today at the dinner table we were sitting and not really talking when dad turns to me and says "so is regent going to find you a new job?"
and i reply "yeah, Kate said shes even going to email me about one tonight, but i wont be able to take it because...." (this is where i started choking on my hamburger and had to get a drink. thus leaving dad with a half finished convesation and thinking i wasn't taking the job 'just because'... Dad: "what do you mean your not taking the job? i'm not going to support you and i dont want you just sitting around on your ass and spending all your savings"
Teresa: "i want to keep doing temp until ..." me still choking on burger
Rich (my bro): she means shes going on holiday in November so she's going to continue to do temp until then" (thankyou Rich)
Dad: BULL SHIT! she cant plan her whole life around something that is happening in six months time, thats just f stupid! you should take whatever job you can get"
Teresa: "but this job isn't mine, i still have to go through interviews and everything and its full time, they aren't going to let me have time off when i only just started, besides i WANT to do temping, it'll be an interesting exper..."
Dad: "stupid b dnt you f well see a job when its right in front of you.... silly b (mumble, mumble) dont know whats good for her... (mumble, mumble) but nooo i'm just her b of a father and i dont know anything.... how long did this job actually last anyway?"
Teresa: *silence* (no i'm not choking on hamburger anymore, but would YOU want to answer after that?)

end scene... (i gave up and went into my room where he couldn't piss me off any further.

so now i am hiding in the computer room at home away from his glaring and muttered comments, oh i love my family sometimes... seriously i got fired TODAY! TODAY DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for listening though my lovely scream session... bloody family!!!

hazardous fathers, humor, family sitcom, horror

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