OMG sleepy

Jul 05, 2005 15:28

First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who made AX what it was. I have next to no complaints, and those complaints that I do have were already aired by others, so I won't bother to post them. What's great is that there were *no* demands on my time or anything, and I could truly go off and relax if I wanted to. I slept at least six hours a night straight through -- something I can't do at home anymore -- and I relaxed by the pool for a few hours for two or three days of the weekend. I relaxed enough to get my period, which means I haven't been this relaxed in almost four months. Despite the massive amounts of pain I'm in right now, I'm happy, 'cause it was all worth it. I'll do a more in depth entry on Thursday, when I come back here to work and clean the yard.

I was going to write messages to the people I was with this weekend, but I realised how long that would take, and I have to go to work in about 45 minutes or so. >< Let's just say that everyone I met was fabulous, and we all had a good time whether we were in a huge group or a small group. To Josh, Kyuu, Andrew, Laura, Krystal, Tony, Jason, Jakey, Gwen, Berto, Roxy, Austin, Alex, Richi, Cid, Chris, Jess, Yoshi, and anyone I missed (and I apologise profusely if I *did* miss anyone): *hugs and many many thanks* Jason and Josh: thank your friends for a great time, too. They're all fabulous.

And now, to go writhe in pain and wish I hadn't said I'd work today. ><


yay!, worky

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