
Mar 16, 2005 08:33

IT exam starts in less than 15 minutes. Commence panicking:

*blather blather blather blather blather blather blather*



So last night, some attourney calls my upstairs neighbor looking for me. Oddness, so I call them back. Turns out the credit card people are finally fed up, and have given my file to an attourney. I settled to pay back half of a smaller amount at the end of this month, and that other half next month. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't accidentally dropped my debit card ON THE WOODEN PART OF THE EL TRACKS right after I used it. >< Then, the CTA supervisor made me feel like shit for doing something on accident and I almost committed a felony by assaulting a CTA employee.

About 15 minutes later, Mom calls to say that the car isn't worth fixing, so now I have no car.

I got no work done yesterday, really, so now I only have 3-4 hours to finish my HST paper, turn it in, and be prepared for the study session I'm running at 3 this afternoon. It's my own fault, but I still feel like an ass.

If I'm more depressed or suicidal than usual, this is why.

Dad gave me a drink when I got home, and it helped. This does not bode well.

God, I need to vent.

Thank you for love. I love you all. Thank you.

Don't take anything here badly; I'm too weak to do anything about it, anyway. I'll just suck it up and go through life as normally as possible. That's just how life is.



*blather blather blather blather blather blather blather*



Holy God. I probably bombed that exam, if not did relatively poorly on it. No higher than a C, I tell you. I even had to leave stuff blank. I hate tests.

And it took four hours, but the HST paper is DONE. Wewt. I'd get the ENG 389 paper done tonight, but I left the book at home, and I need it. >< If I had time, I'd go get it. Hmm...maybe our library has it. Oh, well. At least I got an extension on the other one.

*continues blathering*


*further addendum*

Kat did my hair all cute and straight. Too bad it won't stay that way. ;-;

Study session = good. ^^

And after a dream I had last night, I don't want to "have sex". I want to "make love", and I want someone to refer to it that way, if they're *ACTUALLY* going to do it. I'll explain another time, but remembering it made me shiver. ><

I am such a lameass.



girly stuff, wtf, school, dreams

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