Weekend update and surveyage.

Oct 13, 2008 11:00

This was one of the busier weekends I've had in a while, but easily the most fun. There was gaming night with Lowell and Alex, Kate's fantabulous birthday in Bloomington Saturday night, and Fr. Novick's Installation and day of eating Sunday. Gaming night was hysterical. I found I can only win at Mario Party when I've been drinking. I guess I get lucky or something. I actually finally karaoked at Kate's party, and found that my alto isn't as bad as I thought. Still wish I could sing more first soprano again, though. Too much beer was had at said party, and the hangover carried into Fr. Novick's installation mass proper, but was gone by the time we went for the "friends and family" catered luncheon around 3:00 or so. The mass, reception, and luncheon/dinner thing was slightly awkward, since I really only knew Fr. Novick and Alex even remotely well, but it was also a very touching day. I'm really glad that I was invited.

Today is off. I think part of it is because so many people have today off in honour of Columbus day. Traffic was nonexistent. Part of it, too, is because my boss hasn't even come over to say hello today. He only just came to my side of the office now, after being here for at least 45 minutes, and didn't say a word. Any conversations we've had today are via email. He even came into the office through the door further from my desk. He doesn't normally do that; even if he's in a bad-ish mood, he'll still at least say hello. Now I'm paranoid and wondering if he's mad at me. I can't think of why he would be, but he's not usually like this. God damn it.

Because I don't feel like obsessing over this, I'm going to swipe a meme from Maryam. Booyah.

10 things I could say to 10 different people right now:
1) I love you and I'm very lucky to have your love. I don't deserve it.
2) I miss you far more than you could possibly realise.
3) I wish you would tell me what was up. I'm nervous to even talk to you right now.
4) I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you around in my life right now.
5) Sometimes I think you only want to be friends when you need attention. I wish I had realised this before now.
6) Grow the hell up. (this is actually for, like, five people I know right now.)
7) You need to kick his ass out and never let him back in. You would be so much happier if you did.
8) I can't wait to see you in December! (this is for a few people as well ^^)
9) Why do you not comprehend the word "No"?
10) I already changed one thing in my wedding for you. I'm not changing anything else.

9 things about myself:
1) I am a procrastinator
2) I don't give myself a lot of credit.
3) I still hate calling people, even after nearly two years of having to do it on a daily basis.
4) I greet almost everyone with a curtsey now. People at work encourage me too much. XD
5) I miss doing theater and music.
6) I am easily frustrated as of late.
7) I have at least two coffees every day.
8) I am the martini duchess.
9) I work too much.

8 ways to win my heart:
1) Bring me surprise coffee.
2) Laugh with me.
3) Give spontaneous shoulder rubs/massages.
4) Liking gaming and anime is a plus, but at least let me like it if you don't.
5) Compliment me, especially if I look like I dolled up. I'm a girl, after all.
6) Spontaneous hugs. I love hugs.
7) Right now, something archaic like a kiss on the hand would do it. Stupid Anna and the King...
8) Write a letter or send card. All I get in the mail are bills now...

7 things that cross my mind a lot:
1) Songs. There are always songs in my head.
2) Daydreams.
3) My schedules for the day/week/month.
4) Lowell.
5) To-do lists.
6) Treats for myself (i.e. new clothes/etc). I am selfish. ><;;
7) The "I just want to go home" thought.

6 Things I do before I fall asleep:
1) Brush my teeth.
2) Use my teeth whitener pen.
3) Read a book or play Animal Crossing.
4) Shove the mommy cat off my stomach. She always sits there as soon as I get into bed.
5) Set up whatever DVD will put me to sleep. It's Venture Bros. Season One as of late.
6) Call Lowell and say good night.

5 People who mean a lot to me:
1) Lowell.
2) Immediate family (Mom, Hans, Sally, James, Nana, Aunt Trish).
3) Alex, Kate, Sarah.
4) Maryam, Nikki, Gabey, Boris, Andrew, Kendal, and the rest of the "online" crowd.
5) Work friends (whether I still work with them or not); they make the days go just a little bit better.

4 things I am wearing right now:
1) Black heels.
2) Black dress.
3) Magenta shirt under the dress.
4) My engagement ring.

3 songs I listen to a lot:
1) "Lids" by Lotus Child
2) "When the Day Met the Night" by Panic at the Disco
3) "Eruyt Village" from Final Fantasy XII

2 things I want to do before I die:
1) Marry Lowell.
2) Go to London.

1 Confession
1) Though I know I want to marry Lowell, some days I wonder if I'm really ready for this next step.

45 minutes until lunches...

weekend update, survey, worky

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