So early for worky...

Jul 07, 2008 09:24

I got to the work area by 8:30 this morning. I was clocked in by 8:45. I have a few things done already. Working on payroll. Is this the start of something good? Will I be able to keep this up? I'm pretty sure it just has something to do with Lowell and I falling asleep by 10 on Saturday night and not officially waking up until 7:30 Sunday morning. Today is a full day of both jobs, and a working out of my finances, which will easily eat up most if not all of the energy I stored up. Most likely that I'll arrive at work tomorrow around 10 AM. Unless, of course, I have to go to the staff meeting for the gentlemen. Then I'll be in by 9 AM. Silly staff meeting.

It is thundering downtown. I do not like the thunder. ;;

I picked up a serving gig for Saturday. I do not know what the rate is as of yet, or if I'm in charge of the invoice again. I'm assuming not, since I screwed up the last invoice. But we'll see. It's in Joliet, which is a little more of a hike than I'd like, especially since I have to work the store that day and will have to get someone to come in early. But I desperately need the money.

Paycheck screwups at the store don't help the situation any. We were supposed to get paid on Thursday, but there was a miscommunication between the accountant and us and FedEx, so the checks are arriving today. Next isn't a screwup, but still is bad. Instead of getting paid on the 18th, we're getting paid on the 11th, then not again until the 25th, and then again on the 1st of August to round things out. This is bad. The short paycheck might not cover the bills I have due on the 15th and 18th, especially if I don't get the raise I am (over)due. The full paycheck on the 18th was going to cover the gas bill due on the 19th, along with possibly the phone bill, and groceries. Now, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do. Once I get payroll done and a few things taken care of around the office, I'll try to figure it out. I won't be able to handle this alone, like I thought I would, and that upsets me greatly.

It's also upsetting to have to take that serving gig, 'cause it's on the day we were supposed to have Lowell's parents and mine meet. This caused some friction between Lowell and me (he wants to get it taken care of sooner than later), and then between Lowell's mother and me. I know it's bad of me to cancel at the last minute, especially since the next chance we have to meet is in mid-August (Hans is out of town the next two weekends, and then they're in Sturgis for the following two), but forgive me if I'm trying to not be in the red for the next two months. It's not perhaps the best way to make extra money, but at least I'm trying instead of doing nothing, as I've done in the past. Blargh.

And now that I'm irritated again, I will drain my morning macchiato and finish that payroll. The sooner I can get to these finances, the better.

monies, worky

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