I don't know how many times I quoted the stupid show on Saturday. I'm sorry if it got annoying. ><
Helping at Kate's house on Saturday was fun and very rewarding. It's going to be great when she gets to move in. We will find a moose head for the living room. :D
Working Super Bowl Sunday was actually fine. I didn't take a single customer all shift, just made party orders. Not hellish at all. Thanks to the Sunday day crew that made everything just awesome. Yay!
I'm almost caught up on work from the weekend and today. Give me about half an hour and I'll be done. Then, project time. Whee.
I need to request a random day off in February, preferably a Friday where I get paid at the Cathedral. That way, I don't have to run around for ANYTHING. I also need to put in my days off for Dallas, and confirm the dates with my auntie. I need to get out of here.
I usually read when I take a bath in the morning. Today, I was so out of it that I was sitting in the bath listening to the radio for a good twenty minutes before realising I didn't have a book in my hands. It really weirded me out for some reason.
Now, a meme stolen from Andrew. I need something that isn't mini-accounting to fill my brain, even for a short while.
1. Ever been in a perfect relationship?
2. Does someone like you?
I hope so.
3. Which is more fun, night or day?
I'm a fan of day, usually.
4. Are you wearing any jewelery?
Yes. Necklace, earrings, ring.
6. Who was your last text message from?
Tony at the store, asking if I had just called there.
7. What did you eat today?
Cereal, sour patch kids.
8. Do you like mustard?
Yes. Prefer honey mustard.
9. What's the last thing you bought?
Hmm...probably my dinner and such from Dominicks last night.
10. Do you know your father's birthday?
11. Where's the last place you went shopping?
12. Did you sing in the shower today?
Nope. I took a bath, thank you.
14. What is the most irritating thing the opposite sex can do?
Really don't know.
16. What was the last movie you watched?
17. Is your shirt new?
Goodness, no.
18. Do you live near your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
Not the last one, no. The one before that is in the same city, at least.
19. Does it annoy you when a number's missing in a survey?
20. Are you a cuddler?
23. Do you read?
24. Who do you want in your life?
I'm with Andrew on the happiness thing.
25. Last thing that made you cry?
26. What was the last TV show you watched?
The Venture Bros.!
27. Do you like baseball?
Not really, no.
28. Least favourite sport?
Really don't know.
29. Last time you went out to eat?
Um...hmm. Does the wedding reception count? Otherwise, really don't know. We've been ordering in a lot lately.
30. What are you doing tomorrow?
Random chores around the house, work, having a beer in honour of Mardi Gras.
31. What did you do yesterday?
Worked, had a coffee, did laundry, played FFX.
32. What are you listening to?
Nothing right now, sans random noises from the classroom next door.
33. What are you doing right now?
This survey, adjusting payroll, and randomly checking the email.
35. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
36. What is the last thing you purchased online?
I really don't know. It's been a while.
37. Is there anyone you wish was still in your life?
39. Who was the last person you IMed?
Maryam, probably.
40. Do you like quesadillas?
41. What do you know about the future?
Nothing definite.
42. Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
43. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
Late 20s.
44. Last time you ate cereal?
This morning.
45. Do you have any tattoos?
46. Do people hate you?
I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised.
47. How often do you give high fives?
Every now and again.
48. The next person you’ll hold hands with… will it mean anything?
Of course.
49. The last person you held hands with.. did it mean anything?
50. Do you like your life right now?
More or less, yes.
Worky worky.