Last day of midterms

Oct 14, 2005 08:47

Today is the PHL midterm that I will not do so hot on. Why is that? I went out with Kyuu last night. At first I said no, and then I thought about it, and realised that I'd spend no more than an hour or so studying last night, and I can do it here, 'cause there's midterms in my work classes all day. Hell, I'll even have more time to study here than at home, and less distractions. Thus justified, we went to Gameworks. And we *talked*. We haven't talked in *ages*. Thank you, Kyuu. <3

Of course, I'm suffering now. >< And not just because I only got three hours of sleep or so.

But you know what? Doesn't matter. I feel less tense than I have in a while (despite the fact that my ENTIRE BODY ACHES), and I started my day with a call from Lowell. Yay! :D I just wish I had been more awake.

After PHL midterm, must:

--go home
--help Mom move furniture

...only a two hour nap, in theory, but a nap's a nap, no da.

Oh, my Lord, despite feeling physically like a big bag of blah, I love everyone. Yay. ^^


...I didn't fail the midterm! Whoo hoo! I didn't do incredibly well -- I had to leave one question blank -- but I didn't fail. I'm looking at a B here. Wewt!

And now, home. *scampers*

love, school, drunken frivolity

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