I hate you, subject line

Sep 26, 2005 09:26

I need a new layout. I know what image I want for it (I think), it's just a matter of finding it, then finding a background to go with it. I love this image, but I can't deal with the whole green thing right now. The main thing that keeps me from putzing about with it is that I don't have the patience to do the whole colour searching thing for things like text and whatever. I'm sure I'll get the patience later in the week when I'm avoiding doing homework or killing time before rehearsal.

I was thinking earlier about how I've already missed three rehearsals. I never used to do stuff like that (I never used to miss class, either; you'd have to force me to. Now, some days, you have to force me to go to class. Now that Sarah's gone, I feel so free. XD). I'm wondering if I should even do West Side Story. I think part of the reason why I'm doing it is because I feel like I have to. I want to...kind of...but I don't have the same drive to do this sort of stuff, nor do I take the same joy from it. Maybe it's just because I'm doing so much at once. But once again, this sort of stuff never bothered me before. Yes, one has changed.

And I definitely did not give a shit this morning. I woke up at four to a baby Neko wanting attention, and then slept through my alarm until 6:30. Instead of leaping out of bed to be gone by 7, I dozed for fifteen or twenty minutes, then decided to forget it and have a leisurely morning. I took a bath, read a bit, then went off on my merry way to the bank, where two of the three ATMs were broken. >< As I deposited the long-awaited check, I realised I hadn't endorsed it. Double ><. I need that money in there before the first of the month, so I can pay the bills before the next one is issued. Here's hoping.

And now I should finish doing my internet stuff, so maybe I can get some homework done. *shrug*

random happenings, blahness

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