So today...

Sep 08, 2005 08:45

8:00-10:00 = work
10:10-11:40 = Lit and Identity with Brian Niro (!!) in McGaw
11:50-1:20 = Bio with Masken (some old guy) in O'Connell
1:30-3:00 = Early American Lit with Rinehart in Byrne
(appx) 3:05-5:00 = Bio lab
6:00-8:30 = laundry

...I have to talk with the bio prof today about the fact that the lab starts at 2:30, and I have class until 3:00. Let's see how that works out, ne?

So tired. So not used to this. So glad that this is the last quarter. Thursdays will indeed suck.

...shit, the show opens the weekend of finals week. I am an IDIOT. In more ways than one.

This will definitely require more coffee than I've budgeted out.

...and more Shoebox. To the archives!

theater, school

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