Неудачная атака привязного аэростата пилотом эскадрильи N89 Анри Дюраном, в результате которой последний попал в плен.
This Nieuport 24 n° 5449 piloted by MdL Henri Durand of Escadrille N89, was captured on 6 January 1918, in the vicinity of Emmerich. Durand had attacked a balloon in the vicinity of Ommeray (south of Dieuze). Then he was attacked by Vizefeldwebel Jakob Landin of Jasta 32b. - The Nieuport suffered an engine problem (possibly due to combat damage) and force-landed behind the German lines. Many photos were taken of the unfortunate Durand and his Nieuport, which was eventually repaired and brought to the airfield of Bavarian Fl. Abt. 199. The wasp emblem was the insignia of Escadrille N89, while Durand's personal emblem was the eye painted on the rear fuselage.