Interview me (yes, it's a meme)

May 09, 2006 15:38

I have been interviewed by stinkeysoul

1. Leave me a comment saying, 'Interview me.'
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal. Or downright silly, taking into account how I think. Or not, depending on how I feel.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. What has been your biggest failure and your biggest success in life?
Arg. There's nothing in my life that I actually view as real failure - I don't tend to think along those lines. If forced to find one, possibly the fact that I don't have more (or actually, enough) money nowadays. I want money, but I'm not good at getting it, and just been through several REALLY bad years in this regard.
Success? Learning to be happy and non-depressive. Only achieved it in the last year or two, after being depressive all my life. HUGE success, which hasn't necessarily depended on me.

2. If you were to star in your own porn flick, what would its title be and why?
"So many men, so little time". Why? 'Cause, like, there would be a helluva lot of men there? Well, possibly some chicks as well. Gotta share and stuff, y'know. And the boys would also have to play among themselves when I'm otherwise occupied.

3. What's your favorite quote of all times, and what would you want to be quoted as saying, when you're gone?
"A man without faith is like a fish without a bike". I like its inherent meaninglessness and the silly view of life reflected in it.
What I want to be quoted as saying? "There IS such thing as too much money". Fat chance of that, though.

4. If you could go back in time a change a single decision you've made, what would it be, and how would it have changed your life?
Well, there was no chance of actually changing that, but I would try to make myself go easier on myself when I got ill. Or even, just make myself believe that I'm actually ill (which I didn't believe for at least two years). Would have made a lot of stuff easier later on, and possibly made the illness easier too. But would never have worked.

5. Which spice girl would you be? (you can make one up, like "lice spice", but complete it with wardrobe choices and trademark phrases)
Shapeshift Spice. It would go with extremely different clothing styles for each day, changing colors, lengths, atmosphere, personality and gender choices. Also wigs and other relevant accessories to make the changes more real.

friends, creative memes, memes, english entries, me

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