’Tis but a shell of its former self...

Jan 23, 2023 13:53

The building at the northwest corner of Peking and Yuanmingyuan Roads, known in Chinese as Meifeng Building 美丰洋行, spent many years hidden under the covers, while a new high-rise was hatching in the middle. The resulting hybrid, unwrapped in 2019, is an austere rectangular office tower with its feet wrapped in the fancy frills of the original brick structure.

Source: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210209a01aqo00

Compare the facade 100 years apart:

PastVu: https://pastvu.com/p/1720782

Photo from https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210209a01aqo00

The original building, built in 1897 by Atkinson and Dallas, Civil Engineers & Architects, served as their headquarters for several decades. In the 1900s, it was also the home of Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce.

Another example of “facadism”-style renovation: Ezra Building.

1897, redevelopment, then and now, architecture, atkinson & dallas, beijing road, yuanmingyuan road, 1890s, shanghai, 19th century

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