Aerial map of the Bund, Hongkew and Yangtzsepoo (1948)

Mar 23, 2022 15:13

Feel the difference. Left side: maximum that you see on Tianditu (zoom level 7), right side: maximum zoom (zoom level 9).

New upload on the Internet Archive: tile 1C of the 1948 aerial map of Shanghai, extracted at the highest resolution from 天地图.

Other uploaded tiles:

1A: Northwestern part of the city (today’s Putuo District 普陀区).

1B: Chapei (Zhabei district 闸北区).

1C: Bund, Hongkew, Yangtszepoo (外滩, 黄浦区, 虹口区, 杨浦区, 陆家嘴, 浦东新区)

2B: French Concession (Luwan, Xuhui, Jing’an districts 卢湾区, 徐汇区, 静安区).

2C: Chinese City (南市区, 黄浦区, 卢湾区, 浦东新区). be continued.

archive, map, internet archive, 1948, aerial, shanghai

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