Women’s Hospital, and architect T. Chuang’s legacy
Sep 17, 2021 09:41
“The Women's Hospital on Great Western Road, close to the junction of Edinburgh Road, has recently been completed and equipped. The architect for this modern and up-to-date building was T. Chuang, of Shanghai.” Shanghai Sunday Times, Dec 1935.
According to this 1944 biographical dictionary, T. Chuang (庄俊), was the first Chinese graduate in architecture to return from abroad. He designed the Kincheng Banking Corporation in Shanghai and Hankow; the Bank of Communications in Harbin, Dairen, Tsingtao and Tsinan; the Continental Bank in Hankow, etc. He also designed the Continental Emporium on Nanking Road, Shanghai; the Auditorium, Library, Gymnasium, and Engineering and Science buildings at Tsing-Hwa College, Peking; the Railway Schools in Tientsin; the administrative buildings of Chiao-Tung University, Shanghai; and a number of important residences.
Besides being a founder and member of a number of professional organizations, T. Chuang (or Zhuang Jun) is credited with the first use of the Chinese term 建筑师 jianzhushi to indicate “architect”. The years of his life (1888-1990) suggest he lived to be 102! There is an article on the Women’s Hospital shown above, on Shine.
Project of a J.S.S. bank and club building on North Szechuen Road, published in December 1931. It still stands next to the Bank of China, Hongkew Branch, at 860 North Sichuan Road.
T. Chuang’s design of the administrative building for Chiao-Tung University, published in December 1932.
More biographies of obscure Shanghai architects can be found in the NETA column of this blog.