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Mapping Old Shanghai . Here is a selection of images from the latest hundred:
Flood on the corner of Avenue Foch and Seymour Road, during a summer rain in 1940:
Europe Restaurant , on the corner of Love Lane and Chinhai Road:
[ See more images...] The US Marines club on Seymour Road, close to Sinza Road: The photo was generously provided by Fred Greguras ; I'm preparing a separate post on his contribution to mapping USMC places in Shanghai. The Dronnikoff couple on the balcony of their General Post Office apartment , in the late 1920s: Engineer Nicholas Neckludoff on the site of the Development Building, in 1934-1935: Mrs Wu and her grandson in an alley off West Beijing Road , in 1973: Party for the local and foreign journalists at the Rokusan Gardens restaurant, in August 1940: Jewish refugees waiting to be interviewed, in the yard between the Shanghai Jewish School and Ohel Rachel synagogue: Studio of Oscar Seepol, on the corner of Bubbling Well and Hart Roads, in the 1940s: Grave of Tiburcio Faraldo at the New Cemetery, after 1875: Walter J. Kerr family residence (Peking House) at 204 Route Ferguson, around 1941: Children in the garden of H. M. Cumine's villa, ay 64 Route Grouchy, in the 1920s; this property was later rented by the Soviet Club: More historic images can be found in the PastVu gallery . Link to the map You can use various base maps: Mapnik street map and Google Scheme are good for reading the street names. Yandex Satellite is often sharper than Google Satellite . To switch from photographs to paintings and graphics, choose the landscape icon on the right of the photo camera. The "outgoing arrow" icon further to the right forces to open a new tab for each clicked image.