Aug 07, 2006 06:10
not exactly enlightened. but surely GOT OFF. HEH.... HEHHHHAAAAA. i mean, off the train.
thought a lot about current projex. no real change there. one cartoon thing i am developing, i am thinking of calling it SKY BREAKAZ. i wonder if modern cartoon america is ready for a title lacking a "ERS" and instead opting for the "AZ". also, it is basically a new version of my old story "break". (hence the "BREAK--az"). it's kind of a rad idea. maybe it'd make a good cartoon! i'll post some designs or something soon, as i do them.
i need to start being enthusiastic and posting news like this on my website again. i remember a day before livjournal and myspace where my site was actually like my #1 thing ever.
also, i think i might start using deviantart again. egggg.
tomorrow, lots of catching up, lots of work to complete... some PACKING to do, to get the fuck outta heeerre. hahahaa... ya, sorry kids, looks like the yosh house is goin down like the pirate ship it always was. it was destined, i think. this does not mean we aren't friends still, and we will still be located around the same area (somewhat), so don't worry about that. it's just, living with comic artists... makes me hate artists and comics! so ya, outtie 5000.