am not dead, fic is eating me

Sep 20, 2011 22:28

I'm sure everyone in HP fandom has heard at least a reference to the Sacrifices Arc. I'm mostly certain that the majority of us have tried to read it at some point or another.

I think I've tried to read it at least twice before this, but with my memory it could have been more. I decided to stick out the first 'book' this time, and continue reading if I liked it.

And this fic guys, this fic. I don't think I've every had to stop reading a fic before because I couldn't handle what was happening; I've never had to tab away and read something else or play a game. I did with this. It's just. It's so different it might as well be a an original book, and she should write her own characters and get published, I would be all over that shit, but this fic. I got to a point where I couldn't read another word because I couldn't deal with the situation on the page, emotionally.

I know, I know, it has All The Tropes, the twin brother, the twin being the Boy Who Lived, the sorting into Slytherin. But it's not about the Twin or the Prophecy, it's about Harry and how his life fucking sucks and then gets better and it's Pureblood Traditions -

I don't even know how to describe it.

And I hate OC siblings to a canon character with a burning passion, I don't want to see the Malfoy twins or Ron's older sister, or Harry's brother. But I can't stop reading, I can't judge it because of that, however much I would have liked to durning the first book.

This isn't a rec, this isn't me saying 'omg you have to read this now', this is just me expressing my surprise at liking my current place outside my box.

I'm on Chapter Eighty-Eight (Path of Broken Glass) of Wind That Shakes the Seas and Stars (Book Five), and I can't put it down.

(confusing selection of tags are confusing)

(Go SacrificesArc! Use Obsession! It's super effective! Fangirl faints! You receive a life put on hold for winning!)

fanfic: so addicting, narcissa malfoy: hbic, going to hell, now with werewolves!, made of win, well played, excuse me while i go cry, !by the dread wolf, oh dear jesus, immd, kill it with fire, !discuss, ffs, what is this i don't even, harry potter, angst oh god the angst, i'll be in my bunk, idek, a bucket for my creys, i am a rabid fangirl

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