DLC Ficathon-General Prompt 15. Escape

Sep 02, 2006 18:58

Title: Touch
Prompt: 15. Escape
Rating: PG 13 or K+
Warning: It’s kind of suggestive in a way so if that offends you, don’t read.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Author’s Notes: Part of the DLC Ficathon: Category-General. Thanks to Cazzie and Spunky for beta-ing this.

She uses his touch to escape her past. His fingers dance across her skin, chasing away nightmares from her childhood. Every stroke of his fingers is like painting white over the graffiti in her life. Every pass of his hand over her flesh is like an eraser on a chalkboard, wiping away the painful memories that haunt her. Every bad memory is forgotten as long as he’s touching her.

Sometimes she wonders if she’s just using him to forget. And then he touches her and she forgets everything but his name and the way his fingertips sear into her skin.

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