I watched Battle in Seattle and Persepolis today...
Battle in Seattle (4/10)
was not very good. It disarmed the politics and came off confusing if you didn't already have some sense of what it was. It did not feel like a struggle; it did not make me feel like i should do something or give a damn; it did not inform me; it really just made me want to watch the
Breaking the Spell that we all know and love and listen to some OutKast.
Persepolis (7/10)
(all of these movies are hosted on chinese websites with chinese subtitles to make sure you select the third option on the left side to get english subtitles as well, unless of course you can speak fluent french) wasn't bad, but it was less than i expected. It felt like a grown up version of
Madeline rather than a hard hitting work about Iranian/US politics, gender, and exile. Take it for what you will, but i feel like the text version of this would have been much better.
**EDIT: moved it to 7/10. It deserves at least one more point for the content it covered as well as the vantage point that it was seen from.