Tsubasa Picspam: Confession of a Reluctant Killer

Apr 12, 2011 14:12

Clean-shaven Tsubasa comes clean.
Detective: So it's a double homocide. You killed off both your moustache and goatee.

 Suspect Tsubasa: Ano... I... I wouldn't put it that way.

 T: I only shaved them off.
Detective: Only shaved them off? You're one heartless beast.

 T: Look, it's not like I don't regret it, okay?

 T: Every time I look in the mirror and Little Harry's not there... I miss it. I feel so naked without it.
Detective: Then why did you do it?

 T: ............
Detective: Think of your public image.

 T: Because.....
Detective: How do you say 'Farewell, my regular TV segment on NHK' in Spanish?

 T: Takki! He made me do it!
Detective: That partner of yours?

 T: Yes. He... he threatened to revoke my sex games privileges!

 T: But I... I need them! You understand, right? They're my happy drug!

 T: All I want is to be loved. So please forgive me?
Source: Images from http://tsuyotsuba.blog14.fc2.com/blog-entry-692.html. Thank you, Midori-sama! 感谢您了,みどり様!

Next up, a Takki picpam: Are you into me?

photo comics (mainly t&t)

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