Inspiration of the Day

Jul 30, 2010 18:31

Jeremiah 13:15 (New King James Version)

Pride Precedes Captivity
    15 Hear and give ear:
      Do not be proud,
      For the LORD has spoken. 

 HEAR the word of truth. ( Romans 10:13-17 )
BELIEVE the truth. ( Hebrews 11:6; John 8:24 )
REPENT from all sins. ( Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38 )
CONFESS name of Christ. ( Matthew 10:32-33; Acts 8:35-39 )
Be BAPTIZED in His name. ( Mark 16:16; 1Pet 3:21; Col 2:12 )
WALK in newness of life Be FAITHFUL unto death.( Romans 6:1-4; Revelation 2:10 )

inspiration of the day / bible verses

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