Fanfiction: Fighting! (Part 4/6: In the Summer Heat)

Jun 05, 2010 21:53

Characters: Takki, Pi, Jin, Ryo, Kame, Tsubasa and Matchy
Pairing: TakkiPi, TakiTsuba, Akame, Ryopi
Genre: AU, angst, comedy, fluff, romance, smut
Rating: PG13
Summary: Wieners on bbq are not the only things sizzling in the summer heat.
Disclaimer: The sizzling boys are not mine, only their the wieners are.
Note: Daily updated 6-part story. For Dorayaki-chan, for your constant support. Thank you!

Part 1/6: A Perfect Life?
Part 2/6: The Prince and the Punk
Part 3/6: Of Different Worlds


Part 4/6: In the Summer Heat

‘You’re either in or you’re out. Right here, right now.’

Jin almost laughs out loud.

‘That’s cheesy.’

‘Just answer the question.’ Pi instructs sagely.

He has had it with this rogue member. If Jin’s not incompetent, he’s invisible. But somehow, for some unknown and baffling reason, the good-for-nothing’s absence is felt acutely within the council. Pi could feel morale sink whenever the useless member is not around. Even Takki, who is usually in Pi-focused-tunnel-vision mode, has recently remarked, ‘Ne, Pi Pi, I don’t know what, but are we missing something?’

It has even deteriorated to the extent of the resignation of their latest member, Kame-kun.

‘He thinks he has something to do with your disappearance. He thinks you hate him,’ Pi shares. ‘I, of course, told him that it’s completely absurd because you don’t care enough for anyone to hate them.’

Jin narrows his eyes and throws Pi a death stare. But he appreciates the brutal honesty. It’s the mark of true friendship. For the sake of this friendship, and the prestigious, babe-magnet title of student councilor, Jin decides that he’ll stay in the committee after all.

It’s a decision he quickly regrets.


Jin is alien to sharing and responsibility. So it is double whammy when he finds out that his summer holiday villa is to be overrun by fellow student councilors on a summer vacation trip that he is supposed to organize.

But all is not lost. To ease his load and to ensure that it doesn’t end up a total disaster, Pi has assigned Kame to help him out.

‘Your wiener looks good,’ Kame says as he eyes the sausages they’re barbecuing.

‘This is nothing, my other one is bigger and better,’ Tsubasa jests.

‘Eww…’ Kame giggles.

Takki, who has just gotten out of the water for a bite, looks on uncomfortably and asks ‘I hope I’m not interrupting anything.’

‘No, you’re more than welcome to join us,’ Tsubasa smirks.

But sensing Takki's discomfort, Tsubasa suggests, ‘Kame-chan, why don’t you share our wieners with the hungry boys over there.’

With Kame out of the picture, Tsubasa slides up to Takki.

‘Looks like we’ve run out of wiener, but mine’s still available if you want a bite. I guarantee that it’s longer, thicker and juicier.’

‘No!’ Takki yelps.

‘Well, then, I hope you wouldn’t mind if I help myself to yours. I’m hungry,’ Tsubasa teases as he gropes the tent in Takki’s swimming trunks.

Then after an embarrassing enactment of the classical Bollywood love dance around a tree, Takki throws in a deadly killjoy, ’What you doing here? I didn’t know you know Kame.’

Although momentarily taken aback, Tsubasa continues his sly advances and asks ‘Jealous?’ The naughty loop-sided grin and evil glint in his eyes grow with every approach.

‘Nooo!’ Takki quickly denies.

‘Pity, I was hoping you would be. I’m jealous seeing you smear lotion all over Pi. I want your lotion on me too. And in me, in all my holes too.’

It’s a losing battle and Takki knows it, he can see that Takki Junior has already braced itself for some heavy duty hole-tunneling.

‘I must be going. Pi’s waiting,’ he shouts as he runs off, escaping to the beach without so much as a backward glance. If he did, he would have seen a lonely figure watching his disappearing silhouette.


‘Pi, what you doing there?’ Takki asks as he wades out to Pi, who is standing waist deep in water, staring forlornly at the horizon.

‘Nothing much, just looking. You were gone so long I thought you weren’t gonna come back.’

‘Silly, boy. I’ll always come back.’ Takki assures as he back-hugs his young lover.

‘I don’t know why but I’ve a feeling that this trip might be a mistake.’

‘What do you mean?’ Takki asks cautiously, a little uneasily.

‘I’m hoping that his trip might bring Jin and Kame closer. But they’re so different. I can’t help but think that one is the sea and the other the sky. Unlike the horizon that we see, for the sky and the sea, there is no meeting point. They’ll forever remain apart.’

Takki is worried that his golden boy is suddenly so solemn.

‘They meet. Of course, they meet; when it rains. When it rains, it’s the sky’s way of touching the sea.’

In that instant, Pi breaks into a smile. ‘Yeah, you’re right. There’s always hope.’ Contented, he clasps Takki’s hands in his and sighs, ‘But I’m glad we are who we are.’

‘Actually, I wouldn’t mind being the wind,’ Takki contradicts. ‘I want to kiss you like the wind - everywhere.’ With that he turns the latter around and locks their lips in a lingering, time-forgetting kiss.


‘A wiener for you?’

Jin looks up from the book he is pretentiously reading to see Kame standing nervously in front of him.

Seeing the surprised look on Jin’s face, Kame continues, ‘I’m sorry that I got you into this. If I didn’t resign, you wouldn’t have to do all these.’

‘It’s alright. I’m not doing much anyway,’ Jin answers, trying to sound indifferent.

‘You must hate me,’ Kame whispers, unconsciously wringing his hands.

His pitiful demeanor inflicts a wave of guilt. ‘I… I don’t hate you,’ Jin replies, softer this time. ‘Sit down.’

For a while, the boys sit quietly in awkward silence gazing at the still mooching lovebirds out at sea.

‘It’s easier for some people. Maybe they’re smarter or braver. But somehow they know it’s love, and they forge ahead,’ Jin suddenly shares. ‘But I’m not smart or brave.’

Kame nods gently, not daring to agree aloud.

At this moment, Jin reaches over for a wiener on Kame’s plate.

As if sensing a breakthrough Kame forges ahead, with an offer.

‘I was thinking of going for a surf later. I can teach you if you want.’

Jin blinks a little, uncertain of what to do. But eventually he nods hesitantly as he nibbles on the wiener.


‘He’s not a very good surfer, is he?’ Tsubasa points out to Ryo, as he sees Jin collapse onto the surfboard unable to get up.

Despite being an utterly cringe-worthy surf embarrassment, Jin is a much needed comic relief from the uncomfortable sight of the perpetually-joined-to-the-lips lovers. And since they’re the only ones alone, Tsubasa has no other choice but to try and make conversation with a pouty, bored-looking, wounded-puppy-eyed Ryo.

‘He can’t even build sandcastles,’ Ryo informs. ‘But lucky for him, he doesn't need to know how to surf or build sandcastles to have a good time.’

Looking out, they see that Kame has joined Jin by his surfboard, and soon they’re frolicking in a water fight.

‘Why don’t you confess to Takki?’ Ryo suddenly asks.

Tsubasa is shocked by the unwarranted question. He doesn’t like it when a stranger can read him like a book.

His reply is equally tart and caustic. ‘I’m waiting for you to confess to Pi. It’ll save me the trouble.’


‘Smoking is bad for you.’

Tsubasa looks up from his bench to see Takki.

‘Not with your precious Pi?

‘I’m looking for him. It’s almost bedtime.’

Joining him on the bench, Takki asks, ‘Why you smoking here all alone? Where’s Kame?’

‘My turtle’s run off with his eagle.’


‘Never mind, has your Pi run off with someone too?’

‘No. He’ll never.’

‘Like you’ll never?’

‘Of course.’

Tsubasa gives a tense smile then takes another puff at his Marlboro cigarette.

‘Stop it.’

‘And if I don’t?’

Out of his wits, Takki blurts out, ‘I’ll… I’ll kiss you.’

Tsubasa coughs at the answers. No kiss is ever going to tear him apart from an old habit. With mischievous shining eyes, he sucks long and deliberately on his ciggie then blows a cloud of smoke right into Takki’s face.

Frustrated and lost for words, Takki turns to Tsubasa, cups his face with both hands and kisses him.

It is their first kiss. But Tsubasa only sniggers, ‘You call that a kiss? Kiss me like you kiss Pi.’

Stunned by that request, Takki freezes. Like a statue, he sits there motionless. It isn’t until Tsubasa, who has completely ignored him, lights up his second cigarette that he finally recovers his senses. Gently, he detaches the cigarette from Tsubasa’s plump lips, and then transfers it to his.

Takki can see the pang of pain in Tsubasa’s eyes when he takes his first puff.

‘You stupid, stupid boy!’ Tsubasa scolds as he snatches the poison stick back and stubs it into the sand. ‘These things will kill ya!’

Takki’s relief is obvious. His eyes shrink into mere crescents and his crooked gum line is clearly visible. But Tsubasa feels like crying.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘Don’t be so nice to me.’


‘Because… because it’ll make me wanna do this.’

Tsubasa has always found words to be a poor expression of his emotions. For example, how does one expresses the hammering in one’s heart?

Takki is not familiar with kisses. He has only kissed Pi. They are soft and warm, not needy and urgent like these. One is like creamy, frothy vanilla and the other hot, dark chocolate.

‘Takki, breathe!’ Tsubasa orders a breathless Takki.

How long have they been kissing? Takki doesn’t know. But he knows that his lips are sore, his tongue is numb, his cheeks are flushed, his mind is swimming and his heart is pounding. Maybe he’s been in the sun so long that he has a heat stroke.

But his ears are still remarkably sharp, sharp enough to hear a nearby conversation.

‘Ryo, let go!’

Stubbornly, Ryo hangs onto Pi’s hand.

‘I’ve got to find Takki.’

‘He’s probably with Tsubasa. Can’t you see? Takki’s changing. You can too.’

‘No. Takki’s not changing. He doesn’t even look at Tsubasa. They don’t even talk.’

‘Precisely! He avoids him because he likes him. He’s feeling guilty. It’s so obvious!’

‘Stop sprouting nonsense, Ryo! You never had anything good to say and you never will. Let me tell you something. Takki will never change. I will never change. We will never change!’

It’s now Takki’s turn to feel his eyes water and his nose sour. How could he betray the unwavering trust of his sweet and innocent Pi? How could he tarnish something so precious and pure?


Late that night, Takki is where he should be, by Pi’s side. Cradling a softly crying Pi to sleep, he promises that nothing will ever change.

But all he can think about is Tsubasa.


‘Where you going, Takki?’

‘To Pi,’ Takki curtly replies. But before he can run off, Tsubasa clutches onto his wrist.

‘What’s with all these hand holding?! Let go. Pi needs me. I've to go to him.’

‘Have to or want to?' Tsubasa asks. 'I need you too,’ he confesses.

It is a grave mistake. He should have known better.

The answer is evident, so painfully obvious that Takki doesn’t even need to answer. The look in his eyes says it all. It says, ‘Who are you?’

Tsubasa knows who he is. He is a nobody. And nobody has no right. Nobody can only let go.

Bonus (pics are from scans in Google search):

 Jin: Hey, Kame, what's that?
 Kame: Dunno. Sexual tension?

 Kame: Takki, your wiener tastes good. Sorry, I mean, the wiener tastes good.

 Takki: Mine tastes good too.

Thank you for reading. Next up, tomorrow, Part 5/6: Supa Idols.

ryopi fanfics, akame fics, stories, takipi fanfics, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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