2 Fanficlets

Dec 31, 2009 23:00

Idol Takki's Less-Than-Sporty Day

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa, Kame, Pi, Jin and Ryo
Pairing: TakiTsuba, Akame and RyoPi
Genre: AU and fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Baseball brings sports icon and super idol/sports idiot together, on and off the field.
Disclaimer: No need to spell it out the obvious, ne?

Idol Takki's Less-Than-Sporty Day

Captain Tsubasa rolls his eyes in disbelief at the flurry of activities before him. He feels as if he has mistakenly entered the photoshoot of a boyband. Looking at the five exceedingly gorgeous male specimens before him, one could call them The Fantastic Five or The Flower Five but even those titles would merely be a faint hint at their real awesomeness, hardly doing them any justice. And although Tsubasa was recently crowned Sports Hunk of the Year, even he feels mildly threatened; especially by the one they call Takki.

While Tsubasa knows little about Takki, other than that he is some hotshot superstar and a sports idiot, his niece is a walking wikipedia on the idol's likes and dislikes. She is also the one who painstakingly coaxed Tsubasa into coaching him for an upcoming all-stars baseball game.

Since no self-respecting superstar goes anywhere without an entourage, Takki's consists of a four eye-candies: Kame - his ever-dependable manager, Pi - his devoted personal assistant, Jin - his goofy stylist, and Ryo - his sulky astrologer.

From what Tsubasa could observe, Pi's duty of the day is to keep the star hydrated. It is a task he attends to vigorously and relentlessly, even before practice starts. Since Jin has not stopped powering the star's nose after the latter changed into the baseball uniform, Tsubasa reckoned that he is there to keep Takki's nose shine-free. And throughout the ceaseless pampering and priming, Kame is busy prep-talking away as he helps put on the baseball gloves. Ryo's purpose, however, remains an enigma.

As if reading Tsubasa's mind, Ryo says, 'I'm here to tell him, "Told you so." I've warned him that this is a bad idea. Amnesia or cancer-stricken, lovelorn male characters have no need for baseball.' In fact, Ryo seems to think everything's a bad idea; that is, except for his relationship with Pi, of course.

'Well, you never know. Takki-san might one day be called to play an amnesia and cancer-stricken, lovelorn baseball player,' Tsubasa indignantly replies.

'Baseball player? I'd love to play you, I've heard great things about you,' Takki offers, hoping for some damage control.

'I think he means play with you,' Jin chips in.

Tsubasa momentarily turns a shade paler.

'Of course! We’ll be playing in the field later, won't we, Captain Tsubasa?' Takki once again tries to fight the fire.

'Yippee! Outdoor sex! How exciting!' Jin claps his hand as he smirks, only to be stopped by Kame, who slaps him hard on the back of his head.

'I'm sorry. Someone here has been deprived,' Kame explains as he shoots Takki an apologetic look.

'And whose fault is it?' Jin hollers, only to be dragged outside by a red-faced Kame.

'But Takki's nose needs me!'

'Thanks, Jin. But I'm not MJ. Your powder's not the only thing that's holding it together,' Takki shouts out to the diminishing figure.

'I think waterboy here needs to leave too,' Tsubasa adds.

'But Pa Pa...'

'Pi-san, I think you've pumped Takki-san with enough water to last a camel for a year. So relax, he's not going to end up a shriveled-up raisin at the end of the day.'

'Yeah, Pi-chan, listen to the Captain here. Everything's gonna be all right,' Takki assures as he pries Pi's fingers off his gloves.

Reluctantly, Pi shuffles to the door, with Ryo in tow; while Takki looks on lovingly and sighs, 'He's such a baby. But I love him to bits.' Tsubasa only looks on incredulously, thinking, 'Showbiz people are definitely a different breed.'

As the day wears on, Tsubasa begins to have second thoughts about showbiz people.

'You're supposed to hit the ball, not run from it!' Tsubasa yells.

'But I'm sacred,' Takki answers meekly, cowering in fright.

Every time the ball flies out of the machine towards him, Takki's instinct would be to run to Tsubasa, who is conveniently stationed beside him, for cover. It’s gotten to the point where Takki is clinging onto Tsubasa more than he is trying to play ball. And after three hours of quality hugging time, Tsubasa is ready to call it a day. He doesn't think the Egyptian monolith in his pants can take anymore accidental hammering or whimpers of 'save me from the bad flying balls'.

But Takki is undaunted, he refuses to leave without once hitting a ball. Sooner or later, victory goes to the one who thinks he can. And Takki finally catches a ball, with his helmet.

'Are you all right?' Tsubasa asks anxiously. Dead superstars are bad for business. In a state of panic, he hastily launches into CPR mode. But conveniently forgetting to check for breathing, Tsubasa plunges straight into mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Blowing away for all his worth, he only stops his kiss of life when he feels another tongue in his mouth.

'Are you feeling better now?' Tsubasa asks as he runs his fingers through Takki's mass of tinted mane.

'I don’t think so. My heads spinning, my heart's pounding and my chest feels tight and stuffy. And I think I'm burning up.' Hesitating for a moment, Takki looks deep into Tsubasa’s eyes. Then with all the vulnerability of a child lost in a maddening crowd, he continues, ‘I think I need a shower, and some more of your mouth-to-mouth thingy, in the shower.'

'Then we better hurry.' Gently but with an underlying sense of urgency, Tsubasa carefully but quickly picks Takki up. As he is carried bridal style to the shower, Takki notices that Tsubasa doesn't seem at all bothered by the implications of such a remedy, and may even welcome it.

'Ryo is so wrong,' he happily concludes to himself, 'baseball is such a great idea!'


The Morning After the Countdown

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa, mentions of Fuduka and Tatsumi
Pairing: TakiTsuba
Genre: Slight angst and fluff
Rating: PG 
Summary: When it comes to Tsubasa, is there anything such as an innocent kiss? Takki doesn't think so. He thinks bad behaviour should be punished.
Disclaimer: It's too painful to acknowledge.

The Morning After the Countdown

The room is completely bare, except for an air-conditioner that is blasting away. As if it isn't bad enough to be stripped naked, the machine seems happy to join in the torture, blanketing him in a layer of goose bumps. The walls are void of colours too. Only a small window offers a glimmer of hope. But even that is locked. Seeing the blazing light from the window, he can tell he has been in here for a while. He shouldn't have gotten so drunk last night, drunk enough to not know that he was being kidnapped. Since waking up with a hangover from hell, he has been in this room, surrounded by silence, except for the faint chattering of his teeth. But all is not lost, at least his kidnapper is cute, very cute. Speaking of the devil, his captor enters the room with a tray of slob, masquerading as food.

'Are you done with your punishment?'

'But my hand hurts. See, it's shaking,' Tsubasa whines. Pouting, he tilts his head a little, and then with willowy, doe-y eyes, raises his slightly trembling right hand as proof.

'Mmm... that's no good. I still have needs for that hand,' his kidnapper thinks to himself.

'All right take a break then, it's lunch time anyway.'

'What's that?'

'Nattou (fermented soybean) rice.'

'Argh! Only weirdos like you eat stuff like that.'

'It's that or... nothing.' 'Yes, that'll teach him to criticize my taste.'

'You still can't cook, ne?' 'Damn it, I really hate you sometimes.'

'I can... I just can't be bothered.' Defeated, the so-called tormentor is beginning to feel that the tide is against him.

'Forget it. I'll just have senbeis (rice crackers) then. You still have a whole drawer full of them in your kitchen, don't you?'

'Might I remind you that you're in no position to bargain? And show me the progress of your punishment.' Pulling out the guilt card, the threatened tormentor tries desperately to resume control of the situation.

It works. Sheepishly, Tsubasa hands over 556 lines of increasingly ineligible handwriting. He is still 444 lines short.

'I will kiss anyone, except Takki! What the hell do you think you're doing?! Shouldn't it be the other way round?!' The unlikely criminal shrieks in girlish horror.

'Eh? But I wrote, "I will not kiss anyone, except Takki." Didn't I?'

'Damn it, Tsubasa! You just don't love me anymore. Is that it?'

'Don't say that, Takki. You break my heart.'

'No, you're the heartbreaker here.' Takki insists. It's now his turn to pout and whine. 'You go around kissing Fukuda and some guitarist, then let Tatsumi kiss you too. It's like you don't give a damn about me or my feelings.'

Tsubasa wraps himself around Takki, strokes and rocks him a little as he rants.

'I may act like some hard-talking, careless male chauvinist pig, but I'm really a big softie inside. And I have feelings too, you know?'

Tsubasa nods in acknowledgement and draws soothing circles down Takki's tense back.

After a while, Tsubasa coos, 'Are you feeling a little better now, my Sugar Bums?' Takki reluctantly nods in response, he goes weak whenever Tsubasa calls him baby names. 'Then you can get naked too so that we can do a proper exchange of body heat, I'm so cold. Besides, I can't remember the last time we did it.'

The atmosphere suddenly turns even chillier. Takki stiffens and says, 'But I can remember when I last saw you did it.'

'What are you talking about?'

'Summer of 2006. I saw you doing it at your place, with a girl,' Takki pauses a little before letting it all spill. 'Even from your back, I could tell you were enjoying it. You were riding her like there was no tomorrow! I couldn't see who she was but she sure was enjoying it too, moaning like nobody's business.'

Tsubasa's face whitens too then contorts with pain. 'Is that why you became cold and distant, all these years?'

'You make it sound like it's my fault.'

'Of course, it's your fault! You moron!' Tsubasa almost yells. 'That was my sister and her boyfriend! And thanks for that image that I'll forever picture when I see her!'

Takki sinks to the floor. All these years of cold war and all because of a misunderstanding?

Recovering his cool, Tsubasa enquires gently, 'Are you all right?'

'Leave me alone. Just let me die here of stupidity,' Takki wails.

'Sure. But can I at least get a farewell fuck? I've got three years worth of pent up sexual frustration to release.'

Takki's face turns even more ashen. 'Three years of pent up sexual frustration from Kissumon, Sex God Tsubasa?! Do people die of too much sex?'

'Aren't you even a little tired after the Countdown concert and we still have our shows tonight?' Takki reasons weakly.

'Sex first, show later. I want to do you crazy.'

It's almost evening and the room is still blisteringly cold. But Tsubasa feels hot and sweaty. From the slowly dying gasps on his ear, he can tell that Takki has finally caught his breath. When the latter eventually regains control of his bodily functions, Tsubasa smothers him with the nth French kiss of the day then breathlessly coos, 'Thank you, Takki.'

'For what?' Takki smiles a drunkard smile, intoxicated with the scent of Tsubasa. Impatiently, he waits for his lover to whisper sweet nothings into his ear. He misses them. They were too preoccupied with a dangerous amount of sex the whole afternoon to bother about the little but equally important things.

'Thank you for kidnapping me, before I had to resort to kissing Johnny-san.'

Takki jolts upright at that statement, fully awake and terrified.

Then with sparkly, starry Bambi eyes, Tsubasa looks longingly at him and says, 'Takki, promise me that from now on, we'll never be apart. We'll always be together, ne?'

Before melting into a puddle of goo, Takki sweetly answers, 'Yeah, together, always and forever.'

Comments make me 
. Thank you for reading, love you for commenting. Happy 2010!
Rewards with cute kitties!
 Q: What does Takkitty say to Tsukitty? A: Kiss, kiss me!

Note: The kiss-play mentioned happened at D&R extension Osaka during the 'Get Down' segment. Of course, Takki got his revenge (well, almost) when he kissed Tsubasa (skeleton version) on 3 Jan of his butai. Congratulations on Ero-king Tsubasa's successful run of D&R and wishing Takki-sama a safe-running, sensational and spectacular Takizawa Kakumei!
Next up, Awkward Love.

ryopi fanfics, akame fics, stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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