TakiTsuba ficlet: Love Doesn't Need I Love You's

Nov 30, 2011 18:45

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa
Genre:  Angst, friendship and love
Rating: PG
Summary: Takki never said, ‘I love you.’ But he said so much more.

Love Doesn't Need I Love You's

Takki never said, ‘I love you.’
When he worried about how they’d debut, Takki said, ‘Believe in us.’
When he couldn’t stop stress-crying after their debut concerts, Takki said, ‘Let’s suffer together.’
When they were suspended from unit activities, Takki said, 'We'll be back.'
When he celebrated his 29th birthday with an exclusive baseball game in Tokyo Dome, Takki said, ‘You’re worth it.’
When they toasted to their 10th anniversary as a duo, Takki said, ‘Thanks for everything.’
When he wondered how many more 10 anniversaries they’d have, Takki said, ‘You have me.’
When he breathed his last, blowing out the 100 candles on his birthday cake, Takki kissed him tenderly and said, ‘Wait for me.’
Takki never said, ‘I love you.’ And Tsubasa never minded.

Bonus pics: Undying Love

 Credit: Naughtiest

Next up, T&T photo comics: Mistaken Motive. Enjoy!

fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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