Because I have writer's block...

Feb 18, 2003 12:05

name: Rae
aka: Ear, Disco Rae, Your Raeness (sound it out) and countless others
current home: Greensboro, North Carolina
hair: a little too long, a little too brown
eyes: brown, sleepy
height: 5'5"
language: English , American Sign Language, French (take that, Jamie!)
occupation: student, WAM receptionist/greeter, roommate psychoanalyst, dogsitter
hobbies: vintage shopping, reading Virginia Woolf, having a raging case of junioritis
current perfume: Cool Spring cologne (it isn't just for boys anymore!)
automobile: Bonnie Kate, the fairest Kate in all Christendom
pets: Maxwell, "hyper puppy from the planet Zing" (thanks Eileen!)
remembers: the way things smell and feel against my palm
has never: lost faith in the written word
last travelled to: going to Virginia Beach this weekend
favourite word: revelation
coffee: Hint of Mint from Tate Street
virgin beverage: Om tea
alcoholic beverage: lately, screwdrivers
redeeming feature: a great joy in little things
longest employment if Weatherspoon counts, going on three years
favourite teacher: ever? Founding member of the Moraru Fan Club (ask Eileen)
current celebrity crush: Gideon Yago
current food obsession: pain au chocolat
currently longs for: a dog who will sleep once in a while, a vacation, and the longevity of my wonderful circle of friends
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