Sep 07, 2013 12:56
- as the android OS is already obsolete, now the old Tab has been relegated to being a mere portable media player. even then the processor is so slow that if i download anything on HD, the player will jam while reading the file and i get funny images of inconsistent movement. i think this purchase tops my list of Most Regretted Buy of all times. my ROI is definitely way below par for this product.
- and yes last week i finally got my dental bridging done for my missing molar. few months back a decayed tooth finally called it quits and i was in pain for more than a week before the swelling gums subsided and i could do the extraction. the dentist said i better do a dental bridge to fill in the gap, else the neighboring teeth will eventually loosen and i'd lose more teeth. am still taking time to get used to the bridge as my biting pattern feels alittle weird right now, hopefully i'd get used to it soon.
- g.u. has just released some really nice chiffon blouses, and i am praying hard that the material aren't shitty. i really, really love chiffon blouses and they are just perfect for work. not to mention the ease of washing them and no-ironing required. while my new position doesn't require me to wear formal all the time, i'm making efforts to wear more "proper-looking" stuff and rotate the jackets more often (for a better ROI before i eventually dump them away).
- my Takarazuka wish-list is just ridiculous right now. there are so many DVDs and mags that i want!!! the vicious cycle of a new fandom, all over again. /facepalm
- speaking of Takarazuka, i am torn between wanting to dress up for the two shows in Tokyo, or be practical as there's only a 1.5hr gap between both shows. apparently the walking time between both venues are about 8-10min, but i need to grab lunch, buy goods, go toilet etc and adding in all the queue time i doubt i can afford to be yukkuri. also, dressing up means bringing more stuff from SG (outfit, shoes, hair iron, etc) and back. sigh. but the otome-kokoro in me wants to dress up prettily for Masaki Ryu, even though i'm way far at level 2 row 6. =____=
- really wanted to get some stuff selling before i head to Tokyo but every weekend for this month is packed with activities. guess i'd deal with them after my Nov trip. perhaps with laogong-sama(s)'s overseas tour they will gain new fans and in turn they will want to get their hands on old goods, which hopefully opens up more selling opportunities for me?