I was going to post something coherent about my life and then I saw those new promo pics. So. That's my brain destroyed. (I am actually really uncomfortable with how hot I find people with guns. I hate them and actually watched a documentary on gun control today, but there's something, usually in TV shows, that just...oh my God. I can't think about it too much.)
Anyway, life!
Less whining, at any rate. I'm settling in. I went and talked to my RA about feeling overwhelmed, and she referred me to a counselor on campus who is helping me manage things. I got a letter from my doctor basically asking for a little flexibility with my schedule, which I felt bad about, but was getting necessary. You guys know me - I can go for four or five days pretty nonstop if I have the adrenaline, but it comes at a major cost, and I can't keep up with that full time.
I'm meeting more people - still spending lots of time in my dorm, just out of necessity (physical and mental), but a little less. I actually spent most of this evening with a rather attractive lady, which was both fun and kind of awkward - she has an "open relationship"
with her girlfriend but it sounds like things are a little complicated and I don't really want to get middle of anything. Still. Fun.
Biscuit had his first round of chemo today. His test results came back on Monday - he has a transitional cell carcinoma affecting his bladder and prostate, which is obviously not good, but it's the best of several options, so focusing on that. We have him on anti-cancer medicine at home and he'll be getting low-dose chemo treatments every few weeks. He's doing well so far, no apparent side effects, so I'm...well, as happy as I can be.
That's it, really. Class is still going well. I start the registration process soon. More importantly, the girls get here on Monday, and I am SO EXCITED! I'm looking forward to the weekend, though, I need more time to internet.