"always the tone of surprise."

Nov 19, 2010 17:37

Last night? Kind of sucked. I got home from NOCCA at 7:30, ate dinner, and went down for a nap before Harry Potter, only to wake up a couple hours later sick to my stomach. I almost went anyway but figured that I wouldn't enjoy the movie if I spent the entire time trying not to throw up, and it would kind of ruin it for the people sitting around me as well. This is the first midnight opening I've missed since the first movie (did that one even have a midnight opening?) and I was devastated, but I was able to enjoy it a lot more today, although I'm still not feeling 100%.

I was thrilled when it was announced that they'd be splitting the last movie in two - I wanted them to do that for the fourth and fifth movies. There's no way that they could have captured this book in just two and a half hours.

On the whole, I was really happy with this movie. The extra space they had allowed them to include things that I imagine would have been cut otherwise and it felt true to the book in a way that none of the movies have since the first two. The opening was brilliant (although I'm not sure why they were focusing on Scrimgeour's eyes) - seeing Hermione erase her parents' memories was unexpected and incredibly powerful. I quite liked the scene with the Polyjuice potion, as well. So much of this movie was centered on the trio, and while that was necessary, I missed the other characters and loved seeing them interact. The twins are always brilliant (George watching Harry and Ginny kiss had me in stitches), it was great to see Fleur again, and Mad Eye had a great sendoff. When Harry sent Hedwig ahead, part of me hoped that she'd survive, even though I know it was necessary for her to die - I teared up regardless.

This movie did a great job showcasing the friendship between Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The scene where Ron came and stopped Harry from leaving The Burrow was so well done, and I was so happy with how they portrayed Harry and Hermione's friendship, especially after Ron left - I had this sappy grin on my face during the dancing scene. After the movie Carter and I were discussing it and Carter said "I thought you would have hated that." It's true that the idea of them as a couple offends me more than any other ship in the world, but I love their friendship - the scene where they visit the graveyard is one of my favorite moments in the book. I thought they had some lovely moments in the movie and was really pleased with that. And of course, the shippy moments - Harry zipping Ginny's dress, Ron touching Hermione's cheek, etc. - were gold.

Umbridge. That bitch. I wish we had seen more of her, because Imelda Staunton is so good, but wow. The whole Ministry thing left me wanting, a little - they didn't break out all the Muggleborns, for one - but it wasn't bad. Yaxley was actually really good.

lol, I'm trying to go chronologically and I'm sure I'm forgetting a million things.

Going back to a few things I didn't like - I know that, even with two movies, they have to cut things, but there were a few things I really wish they hadn't. One - I wish we had seen the goodbye scene with the Dursleys. There was the wonderful beat with Petunia, and of course Dudley's moving proclamation that Harry wasn't a waste of space. Also, basically everything with Kreacher. We didn't get the story of Regulus and how he became "RAB", and I was disappointed that he never formed that relationship with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Their whole time at Grimmauld was really condensed, and while that wasn't a huge deal, it meant that they never had the confrontation with Lupin, which I REALLY wish had been included. It was such a powerful scene in the book. They'd better not get rid of him making Harry Teddy's godfather.

Ron leaving was handled well, I think - the build up was good, and the jealousy/fear for his family was balanced nicely. His return was also okay but I'm confused about the whole silver doe scene - how did Snape know where they were, without Phineas Nigellus? I also have mixed feelings on how the Horcrux was destroyed. I mean, it was done well, even if slightly more pornographically than I would have thought, but I missed the scene where Harry realizes just how little self-confidence Ron has and reassures him.

Okay, the Dumbledore thing. I had mixed feelings on this in the book and I have mixed feelings on it in the movie. His backstory, which is such a big deal in the book, is barely explored - Muriel mentions his dad killing the muggles, and we realize that he was friends with Grindelwald (although the fact that Grindelwald was a dark wizard isn't mentioned and it's not really indicated that this was a big deal at all) but Ariana hasn't even come up yet. (Speaking of Grindelwald, I'm annoyed that he gave Dumbledore up like that. Voldemort would have made the leap on his own.) More than that, Harry's frustration and bitterness towards Dumbledore is nonexistant, and that's such a driving force in the book, and part of what makes their conversation in King's Cross so critical. I'll need to think on this a little more. As for the Deathly Hallows, no real thoughts except that I don't understand why we haven't seen the invisibility cloak yet. It was used so often in the book and it seems like they'd want to throw that in there so that we'd realize that they have one of the Hallows.

Godric's Hollow - where was Voldemort? I guess he didn't need to be there, but I was looking forward to him remembering the night James and Lily died. Nagini coming out of Bathilda was incredibly creepy, though.

I have to say, I don't like Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort very much, and I really don't like Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix. Ralph Fiennes isn't horrible but...idk, it's something about his voice, I think. I picture this high, cold, terrifying voice and instead it's this overdramatic, vaguely feminine ~whisper~. Confusing. As for Bellatrix - never liked HBC's portrayal. It's cartoonish and a total caricature, not scary at all. Bella is supposed to be insane, yes, but in a SCARY way. I saw a fandom secret once that said Claudia Black should have played her, and while Claudia is Australian and couldn't have, that idea has stuck with me - she fits in with my image of Bella much better.

Luna, why so awesome? I missed Ron screaming "HERMIONE!" at the top of his lungs during that scene, though. My major beef with the Malfoy Manor thing, however, was Pettigrew. I'm hoping that he's not actually dead and that he has his proper death scene next movie, because that was such a critical moment - it's his own actions coming back to haunt him, it's his one flicker of redemption, and it's a reminder of both Harry's goodness (from when he saved Pettigrew in book 3) and the pure evil of Voldemort.

Dobby :( Although I do think that they went a little overboard there. He should have had his moment of awesome at Malfoy Manor or his speech as he died in Harry's arms, not both.

I knew where the movie was going to end, but wow, so abrupt. I guess it must have been hard to end when there's a whole second part to come, but they could have tied it up a little more neatly. Even though it was a long movie, it felt short, and I could have easily sat there for another two hours to watch part two! I feel like part two is going to be better, for a few reasons. For one, it covers a shorter section of the book so they'll have even MORE room to include things. It also features the entire cast more heavily - so much of this movie was focused on the trio, but the next part is almost entirely the Battle of Hogwarts, so we'll have the entire Order/Dumbledore's Army around. This means McGonagall! Neville! Snape! The Weasleys! Hagrid! It's gonna be awesome.

Little moments I loved:

- "We wouldn't make it two days without her...don't tell her I said that, though."
- Neville on the train standing up to the Death Eaters
- Luna calling Dobby "sir"

Little things I missed:

- The statue of the Potters and the gate with the messages of encouragement in Godric's Hollow
- Luna/Ginny/Neville stealing the sword
- Potterwatch
- Luna's room with the paintings of Harry/Ron/Hermione/Ginny/Neville

Overall? Even though there are things I wish had been included, it was a great movie, and remained very true to the book. I can't wait for the next one.

I've fallen behind on the 30 day memes, so I'll try to get back on track!

30 Days of Me: Day 06 - Your day, in great detail.

The day isn't over yet, so I'll go with yesterday.

I woke up around 7:30 and couldn't get back to sleep, so I had breakfast (toast and tea), checked my email and Twitter, and watched Friends while folding laundry. After spending spending a little while messing around online, I ran a few errands (Barnes and Noble, TJ Maxx, Party City, and Michael's Craft Store). By the time I got home, around 11:15, Mom was awake and she needed to run errands, so I took her back to TJ Maxx and Old Navy (I got a pair of shoes so it was worth it). At 1:00 I saw my therapist for an hour, came home for lunch and made notes on the flash fiction pieces that the students at NOCCA wrote. As I was pulling out of the driveway to head to NOCCA, I noticed that Percy was playing with something, so I went to investigate and wound up narrowly avoiding a snakebite. Between rescuing the snake and locking Percy inside I wound up running late, so I broke a couple of speed limits to get to NOCCA on time. It was a workshop day and we had a guest artist, Pia, who's been coming to NOCCA for as long as I've been there - she's brilliant. After class we spent a little while catching up. I left at 6:15, got home at 7:30, checked LJ/Twitter, and settled in for a nap before Harry Potter, only to wake up arond 9:30 sick to my stomach. I debated going anyway but ultimately decided to hold off until today and went back to sleep. Very exciting stuff.

Photo Meme: Day 06 - A photo that makes you laugh.

Angie mentioned hearing "I'll Be There For You" on the radio and I got nostalgic for this trip/the girls. This is one of my favorite pictures - it cracks me up ♥

real life: random, real life: friends, meme, real life: nocca, book: harry potter

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