picspam: why i'll never find love

Aug 09, 2010 04:23

I'd like to begin by blaming this on zinke and her fabulous Space Cowboys Picspam, in which she stated "these guys have all but ruined me for anyone else". I realized long ago that my chances of being happy with anyone normal are slim to none - I'm forever going to be on the lookout for some forbidden, angsty, intergalactic soulmate.

So I started thinking about my favorite characters and what traits they might have in common so I'll have an idea of what to look for in reality! Here's what I came up with.

I need a soulmate who...

1. Makes jokes in inappropriate situations.

Somewhere in the distance they could hear Peeves zooming through the corriders singing a victory song of his own composition:

We did it, we bashed them, wee Potter's the one,
And Voldy's gone moldy, so now let's have fun!

"Really gives a feeling for the scope and tragedy of the thing, doesn't it?" said Ron, pushing open a door to let Harry and Hermione through.

Her'ak:No matter what you have endured, you have never experienced the likes of what Anubis is capable of.

O'Neill: You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard!

2. Goes against authority for the greater good.

3. I can't have (at least not at first).

4. Can rock a t-shirt.

5. Can rock a skirt.

(Okay, so you can't SEE the skirt - it's impossible to find decent 24 screencaps - but she IS rocking it. She's rocking the top pretty hard, too.)

6. Will kiss me in the middle of a battle just for the hell of it.

7. Looks sexy with a gun and isn't afraid to use it...

8. ...or looks sexy with a gun and is terrified to use it.

(Like I said - impossible to find decent 24 screencaps.)

9. Saves the world and/or humanity on a regular basis.

10. Won't give up on me, at the risk of their own demise, even when I'm facing certain death/may already be dead.

Now, I'm not picky. I can probably make do with 7/10 of these traits. If anyone knows someone who might fit this bill, you guys know how to reach me.

tv: damages, tv: 24, avery loves television, tv: lost, tv: tww, book: harry potter, tv: bsg, picspam, tv: sg1

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