Over the past months, there has been drama. There have been macros. There has been bitchfacing that Mary McDonnell herself can't compete with.
There have been cookies.
And now, there is a winner.
The three judges -
lily_winterwood, and
averita - have posted their individual thoughts, and after much name-calling, bitterness, and irreversibly destroyed friendships, they have come to a conclusion. Two of the three judges are satisfied, and even
still_might_be appears to have grudgingly accepted the results
still_might_be is an angry, bitter crone who doesn't play nicely with other ladies. The competition was fierce, the scores were close, and at long last...
Ladies and no gentlemen, I present to you the winner of America's Next Top Iron Chef: Fangirl Island
The runner up,
lavenderseaslug, has fierce support from our Head Judge and the winner did not come easily. We have no doubt she's ready for a rematch at any time.
NOTE: The Head Judge refuses to participate in the creation of this entry* on the grounds that her co-judges are shallow, dimwitted Philistines with tastebuds wired to their eyes and not to their palates. They decide based on packaging, like those people who pay for
Evian mineral water facial spray. These idiots would FAIL to recognize Laura Roslin's awesomeness if it met them on a dark night.
averita even admitted outright: "I also think that
meryl_edan is more likely to destroy me if I vote against her." Cowards! Head Judge doesn't know what gods she pissed off that her high culinary discernment should be forced to associate with such misfits.
* A message of hate does not count as participation. Don't argue semantics with her... your health is a precious thing.