I have a general tendency to keep politics out of this journal, but I really feel strongly about this, and would like to ask you all a favor, if you feel comfortable doing so.
Many of you know the story of Lt. Dan Choi, and how he is about to face a board of colonels to determine whether or not he will be discharged from the National Guard for "moral and professional dereliction" aka being gay.
You can find more information
here and
here. These are both from fairly liberal news sources. I attempted to find some that were not so biased, but all I got were articles personally attacking his character and condemning him to hell and that God will smite him, and since that shit makes me sick and I'm a firm believer in separation of church and state when it comes to my politics I thought I'd abstain from sharing those particular hate filled pieces of garbage here.
The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is one of the most asinine and outdated ideas the military has conceived. It needs to be tossed aside like a bad party dress immediately. It will be a great loss to human rights and social equality if the citizens of this country allow the military to deny Lt. Dan Choi his right as a human being on this planet to chose to love, care for, and have a relationship with any one of his choosing regardless of whether or not they're male, female, transsexual or whomever he chooses to be with.
So what I'm asking for you to do, if you have maybe six seconds to spare, is go to this website that I'm going to post at the bottom, and sign your name in support of Lt. Dan Choi before his trial on Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I'm not asking for a whole lot, just a little bit of your time in the hopes that you'll support a man who is being persecuted based on his sexuality, which is really something that the government cannot control. The option to love who you will, as a person, should not be something controlled by any other person, let alone a political system. It's unacceptable.
Go here, sign your name. It'll take five minutes, and will make a world of difference. Thanks.