2nd run of the WEEK!

Jul 02, 2015 13:12

Look at me go; already did a second run! These past two run days I've gotten out of bed, done yoga, then pre-run stretching, followed by the run itself, then cool-down, post-run stretching, shower, and finally breakfast. I should probably change that order a bit, but it'd involve getting up earlier. I'll have to play with it. Running in the morning before it's too danged hot out is preferable. Took a break yesterday as I don't wanna overdo it.


Mile #1: 9.33.93
Mile #2: 10.08.59
Mile #3: 10.31.76
Total: 30.14.28

Wow, I ran a sub 10 min/mi! I thought I felt like I took off quickly, especially as I definitely slowed down a bit during. That last mile was even with a kick at the end, heh.

Weighed myself this morning: 171 lbs. Eesh. What's worse was that I'm still over 20% body fat. Though the first time I checked I was somewhere around 22% a couple days ago, and today I broke that down to 21.8%. I'll take it. I remember looking and feeling a lot better around 16%, so that's my goal. This goal will be challenging, as I'll have to constantly be on point regarding what I put down my pie hole, heh. Definitely gonna cut back on the drinking, and looking forward to being able to eat healthier and more consistently with enough time & energy thanks to the break. Looking forward to being able to see my abs again eventually. Hopefully I'll be able to better maintain the routines come the next school year...

happy thoughts, running

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