Or rather, a chorus.
Shit staiiiiiiiins
on the carpet;
Shit staiiiiiiiins
on the floor;
Shit staiiiiiiiins
in my chonés;
That's why I don't drink that no mo'
What's interesting is I actually thought of this some time ago, also while drunk, but happened to actually remember it tonight. I'm drunk off a drink my buddy told me he made, called an "Angry Troll" (which really, that's reason enough try right there, haha):
2 shots 151 (he used Bacardi, but as I had 151 vodka I used that instead)
regular Monster to fill the rest of the glass
splash of bitters
I don't think I had quite two shots worth left, but oh well. With the last half glass of remaining Monster I put about a shot of
Johnnie Walker Red Label in as well as bitters. I will say this: the Angry Troll does its job. Haha.