Continuing the Weird Dream posts

May 29, 2011 11:07

This time, writing as soon as I woke up. In this dream I had a Droid and was feeling lonely so I tried texting The GF. She replied saying she'd come over, so that was nice. I had to go somewhere, like the library or something, so I texted her where/when I was so that we could meet up. Sometime during this my Droid switched back into my actual dumbphone.

I was somewhere around my alma matter, then in its library which then turned into one of the UW libraries, and there was a tall black dude roller-blading through it. I did some kind of crazy flip thing and landed right behind him and the doors - he kind of jump/slid down the banister outside where it was sunny and I stood at the top of the stairs looking out over the grass and the street. I then warped back to my place, which was the room my brother and I shared way back in the day when we lived in town, but then it stretched out backwards to actually be a lot larger. One of my friends was there, and at that moment, The XGF popped up at the window and was saying "Hi, I was trying to figure out where you were," except for how at first she didn't see me and I was like, "OMG I accidentally texted her...!" while my friend was talking with her while she was asking if I were there. This gave me mixed emotions as I haven't seen her in forever and I thought she wanted nothing more to do with me (which is sad, cos I would like to be friends if that's possible...) After that my friend vanished for a bit and then The XGF came in and sat down on the bed with me (as my room doesn't have a couch, though it might've been a couch; I can't remember clearly) and actually was really happy to see me, which made me feel good. Except she ended up touching me (nothing sexual, exactly), which was also cause for mixed emotions because that was one of the things I wished she would've done more while we were together (and something my present GF does wonderfully of her own accord) and I had to try and explain that I do now have a new GF. I miss her.

There was then some other girl sitting next to me on a couch with my friend(?) next to her who was kind of undressed (The XGF had disappeared by this point) and the two of them started fooling around, I started kind of petting her arm and belly, and then I was in a fancy room with mutants from X-Men. Beast showed up though he wasn't hairy anymore and he was talking to us about stuff. I remember asking if he were still working in some capacity for the State Dept. He held out his left hand when he introduced himself and I was like, "Wait, don't you use your right?" when he explained that he didn't after his encounter with that one mutant whose power was to render others' powers null, and showed me how his right hand was normal looking (when apparently in that instant the rest of him was back in the blue fur - I have no idea my dreams lack consistency like WHOA); and how he didn't expose it to others as it might interfere with there powers, as if it were full of radiation or something. There was some female mutant, I think a shapeshifter maybe, whom I apparently knew and had been friends with. Then she was pregnant, and was going to have the baby, and I found myself between her and Beast, like, holding onto her arm or something and then it turned out she didn't actually give birth so much as like, made a clone of herself. The names of both were then revealed at that point but I didn't catch them - my previously pregnant friend was shocked to realize that the clone had been cloned pregnant, though how my friend no longer was. This resulted in a different kind of mutant, which Beast figured out and narrated, but I don't remember any of what he'd said.

Sometime after that I found myself somewhere on the north end of State St. back in my hometown wearing nothing but my watch, boxers, and my nightshirt, and it was getting to be late afternoon. I realized this and turned around to start running back (where, I'm not sure), when I realized at that point I was doing the slow, floaty run/jump thing I've found I can do in other dreams. I decided to try and take a shortcut which was onto a street I'd not seen before, though they were doing massive road work at that intersection. It didn't phase me though as I slow jumped onto some rocks, then like, double-jumped off fences and large pickup trucks and things. I then found myself traversing a rather steep yet somewhat terraced private drive or whatever it was, and realized I was inadvertantly following some guy. I ended up following him for quite a ways, and towards the top the path flattened out and I was walking past sheds and garages in like an alley that were full of, littered about, and covered in old political "vote for me!" types of signs, the names of which I didn't recognize. (During the dream the steep path I took had a name which I'd read on a sign - interesting fact: apparently I can actually read in my dreams, which I've read isn't supposed to happen due to that part of the brain being different.)

Once I got out of that area I found myself on the west side of the Costco my roommate and I go to up here, but before that it looked like a part of Arizona with bigish buildings advertising like, reptile shows. One place had rattlesnakes and turtles for sale. I don't know what possessed me to do this, but I ended up in one via instant teleportation, but it was actually really small, like, no bigger than a pet store. I saw what was labled a "Burmese Python" only it was really small too, like, no bigger than a garden snake and it was all kind bunched up and sleeping in a little box, about 7x5x3", and I decided to buy it. I didn't notice how much it cost, but on the way back to my place, which was more like my actual place now and not like the previous one in the dream, I realized the thing CHANGED COLORS holy crap it was cool. He also woke up and was slithering around on himself mostly within the box. By the time I got home I realized I didn't have an aquarium or anything to actually put him in and he was really moving by that time so I put the box on the desk, at which point he peed. I then dumped him out of the box and he went motionless while I reached for Kleenex to dabb it up, and his head shrank.

It was around this time I woke up realizing I needed to get my ass out of bed PRONTO in order to have enough time for my rice to cook so that I can have dinner at work tonight.

Man my dreams are friggin' weird. Though I'm impressed by how much detail I notice and am able to remember when I immediately sit down to type 'em out.

The End.


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