Rather interesting..

Dec 01, 2009 03:13

Life has been rather simple. Perhaps that routine-ish feel of life that I kept wanting to avoid has finally stuck and maybe it means growing up and moving on.

I know that a lot of people are dropping LJ and moving on to other things. I can see that we simply don't have the time anymore to sit and really write what's on our minds like we used to.. or really have time to sit back and read what others have to say. Maybe we're just too used to the convenience of reading something really short and commenting on that.. thanks FaceBook and Twitter.. oh well. LiveJournal is still there and it's not like you have to 'move on' from it. It's always good to have a journal for venting and expressing how you really feel past that brief one to three sentence update on how you feel. It may seem like I never am around, but I read all the time. I rarely comment.. it's just how I am.

My first quarter at DePaul is done. I'm proud and happy that I completed that. I finished registering for Winter quarter classes and I even picked up a three week class that starts tomorrow. It's a stupid WRD class that I had to knock out of the way as a prereq so I might as well take it and be done with it. There were a few bumps in the road at school, but then I realized how immature and small minded the problems were and how enclosed people were still in their bubbles. Maybe I'm just older and can look at it in a wider view. Or perhaps I'm full of myself. I wouldn't doubt the latter. I'm just tired of the college drinking scene, that's for sure. Is it too much to ask for: for an intelligent conversation with some witty banter over some drinks? Not trying to be cool by getting too trashed, too high and too stupid to prove how "badass" or "cool" you are? Maybe I just missed the scene entirely growing up. You guys spoiled me.

I'm in that weird lonely state again. I'm at the tail-end of it at the moment. So I'm just trying to move on and just deal with what I have to again. Was kind of cute that put myself out there for a little bit and got turned down. It's fine though. Circumstantial situations come out to circumstantial results. Nothing is perfect. Won't always go the way you want them. It's all good though. Things come and go, if things down the road happen, they happen then. I'm still young, many opportunities to come.

That's really all for now. I don't really know what else to really say. Not sure who'll read this or who really does read/comment on LJs anymore, but thanks. Dunno how to really elaborate on that past thanks. But I mean it. <3 John.
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