Dec 05, 2005 02:36
I've recently aquired a fish. A red betta fish, also known as a Japanese fighting fish.
It's my job, for the purposes of a paper in my Animal Behavior class, to observe the fish's behavior or to conduct some sort of experiment that will elicit a certain behavior.
Betta fish are known for being aggressive towards other males, and since they can't tell their reflection from another fish, they will display and flare to their own reflection.
So I decided I would base my paper on the following: how does the size of the opponent affect the betta's reaction/aggression?
I ran out and bought a fish. I got the gravel and a big tupperware tub for it to swim around in (those tiny cups and vases are cruel) and even a little plant so that it would have the option to hide. I got mirrors of various magnifications such that when I put it in front of the fish, he'd see an even bigger opponent.
So I bring all my stuff home. I give the fish a chance to get accustomed to his new home. And then it's time to do my stuff. I put a regular mirror in front of him in the tub. He stops in his tracks. He stares at the mirror. He comes up close to it. He turns and faces his side toward the mirror. He looks at his reflection for a minute. He swims off. I put the 3X mirror in front of him. Same thing. Doesn't even muss his hair over it. Gives himself a quick, "Hey how's it going?" and swims off.
Of all the fish in the fish store, I ended up with freaking Narcissus! Ferdinand over here would rather swim about in the little plant than pick a fight with the other fish.
This is what I get for waiting until the last minute to get all this done. When will I learn?