Yes, I'm still around and yes, I still collect dolls, although at a much slower rate than I used to. Although I've posted only a few entries on this journal in 2011, I still read my friend's page and have commented occasionally, though I haven't been able to for about the past 2 months, especially with the busyness of the past Thanksgiving holiday, Christmas (still exhausted), and now New Year (stayed up until 7 or 8AM baking). It's not for lack of wanting to that I haven't posted; basically, I didn't make the time for it. :(
I've only added 2 additions to my Pullip Collection this year. The first was a docolla Sebastian doll. I couldn't pass up the chance to get a Little Taeyang-yea, the first mini boy doll! My last doll purchase was another boy doll, an Isul Mao. Funny thing about Isul is that the first few releases I saw, I didn't even realize it was a new type of doll! (^^;) I usually check for new releases on the frickart dolly shop and Groove blogs, and I guess the first thing I look at is the face-up, clothing, styling, and decide whether I like it. So, basically, I check out the look rather than thinking about what particular doll it is. I do this quickly, usually not really bothering to read anything, so if I don't like it at first glance, I usually don't think anymore about it, which is why it probably took a while to register that there was a new doll, and a boy one at that! (Oh, me...) Isul is so pretty-boy, how would anyone not familiar with Pullip and friends know that it's a male doll? (It is, isn't it? XD)
I think Mao is the most masculine-looking (though still pretty girly) of the the Isul dolls released and already announced. I mentioned once that I was looking forward to the addition of a new boy doll in the Pullip line, and when I saw Mao, I knew it was going to be the one to add to my collection. I don't see myself getting anymore Isuls, so it will most likely be my only one.
Another one-and-only that I haven't mentioned before is my Momoko Ethnic Flower doll. It wasn't until I saw this one that I considered getting a Momoko. I thought they were nice-looking dolls with pretty but-for my taste-unremarkable faces. I think it was the combination of the braided hairstyle and the orange dress that made Ethnic Flower attractive to my eyes. One of my favorite colors is orange, and I think if the dress was some other color, like blue, which is my least favorite, I wouldn't have liked the doll. The only other Momoko that I really like is the boho
Fall in Wild Love, which has red hair and wears a red poncho. (Somehow it reminds me of the character
Amy Pond from Doctor Who, though that's not the reason I like it. On a side note: no more Amy Pond? I think I'll miss Rory.) I love the color red, too, which is the major reason I have a Dal Rot-chan doll. :) I guess in a way I'm a little bit into the bohemian style as well that both dolls have;
Free People is one of the brands I like shopping lately.
Below are a couple of photos of my Ethnic Flower doll taken a few months after I got it. The first one makes me happy to look at; I think it's the colors and the warmth of the light. :)
Are there any new Pullip dolls in my future? Only tonight I saw the docolla Byul Oompa Loompa and thought it was pretty cute. Somehow I missed the news about the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory releases. I never warmed up to Byul; the face seems so different to me from the others. The look of the character seems to fit the doll so well, though, or maybe I just like Byul in mini form. The docolla Creamy Mami Byul also looks good. Perhaps I just like Oompa Loompa because it has a red outfit? ;) The doll looked just goofy enough to delight me, and sometimes a laugh will sell me on something, too. :D