Rocking The City

Jun 13, 2008 17:13


the horror.

Anyway. Class orientations. Oh god, the teachers are so horrible. Lacsa*ana pissed me off so much earlier in the day because I felt that she was being unconsiderate to Shizuka... but she made it a little better by giving her light homework, that's really for starting to learn Tagalog. That made me feel only a little better.

But anyway. Teacherrrsss. MS.DP, I MISS YOU SOOOOO ♥

AP World History teacher is... intimidating. XD; Hoping it won't be bad....
Religion teacher is so awful and smells so awful :( but he sells sometimes, especially this morning when he said, and I quote: "If you're sick and tired of life, commit suicide!" 8/ ..... "No I'm joking :))))))" 8/;;;;
Chemistry teacher is scary. :( But the seniors love her, so maybe... uhm.
AP Algebra is Ms.BB 8D love ittt ♥ but we only meet twice a week. ;_; and WHAT TEST IN 2 WEEKS, AFTER JUST 4 MEETINGS??!!
Geometry teacher... thought he was bad, but lol, I guess not so much. He's dumb. I think I won't learn a thing except how to draw every shape in the world using my ID as a ruler, but it's gonna be hilariousss.
Health and Community Service teachers..... don't really care about them. :| They look ok?
English teacher. It's my personal tradition to hate all English teachers, actually, so I dunno about this one. Prolly a middle-school teacher before.. 'cuz it's like she doesn't know anything about how we do stuff. I said 'talk louder', foo!

I don't remember any of my other subjects, lol.

Anyway.. Shizuka.. partially bombarded with lessons on Tagalog by the classmates. It was okay. Haha. I guess. And.. club selling today. I was worried she wouldn't find anything she'd like, but she wants to try out sports clubs. The dolls and I are taking the lazy clubs -3-

I'M SIIIIIIIIIIIICK. Bleh, at least it's the weekend....

Stupid Mikee. Haha. bR0Wn r1Ce!!1! <-- none of you will get that.

And guys, why, oh why, does Persona 3 not work on my PS2? As in, I've borrowed 3 different copies (one was FES) from 3 different people, and noooone of them woooorked. WHY. NEED TO RID THE BOREDOM.

Mmph. What the. Suddenly everyone wants to take me out. WHERE ARE MY SATURDAYS. I wouldn't mind getting a drink, though. Guh. I want my alcohol. Or maybe it's just the fever talkin'.

See ya guys.

ps. anyone have any good SuJu mp3s? best songs you can recommend. want some. thx ♥ oh, and if you can, like.. point out who is who, it'd be appreciated. xD and wth is sujuM??

eta: tin called. wants me and shizuka out tomorrow. 8/ though i've said no/maybe to everyone else who wanted to steal my weekend, i'll say yes now because the YFU gang is a bunch of people shizuka definitely needs to meet! ♥

eta2: lol, it's firday the 13th. now i know why the day sucked.

the world is full of assholes, oh the drama, blegh, friends, dude..sick!, friday the 13th, school, yfu gang, super junior, gigs, games, s.s. relationship, what is this fuckery?, asdfghjklolcapslock, shizuka ahagon, stupid physical health is stupid, persona 3, lol, fuck, as a host sister

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